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McHenry County Board RINO Carolyn Schofield, in her starry-eyed view of the world, might not realize that "reaching across the aisle" in Madigan's Illinois means that the Democrats figuratively grab her by the collar and bully her until she agrees to higher taxes and limited rights on all Illinoisans.
Madigan plays to win, there's no "compromise" in his vocabulary.
Skillicorn gets it. DeWitt is a tool.
Two GOP lawmakers feud over 66th House District race
ELGIN - A photo of a visit last week to an Elgin electric company ended up as a public feud between two Republican lawmakers that represent the same area - State Rep. Allen Skillicorn (R-66) and recently-appointed State Senator Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles). DeWitte, Rep. Skillicorn pointed out,...
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Sep 11, 2019
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