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Barbara, you were a cherished friend, generous soul and ever optimistic cheerleader. Thank you for all the wonderful years of your friendship and encouragement. I'm so sorry we couldn't take the boys to play on the beach in 2010, but I took your advice to focus on my son, and now Ethan is doing *so well.* My thoughts and love are with your family and friends. I am so grateful to have had you touch my life.
In My Kitchen - June 2012
Fig Jam and Lime Cordial is a blog I recently discovered. I'm joining in Celia's In My Kitchen meme this month. In My Kitchen a cow. I'm not a big fan of knick knacks on my kitchen bench. This cow money box, given to me by one of children, does command a position overlooking the sin...
It hurts a little less to see things from our childhood that makes me smile when I think of Dad, too.
What is a Father?
Exactly 28 years ago, I wrote this awesome and ridiculous letter titled, "What is a Father?" I scanned and posted this image on Flickr (worth visiting for the comments my friends wrote) awhile back and had this to say about my letter: I never was much of a writer. My real talent lies in storyt...
Mmm....and actually for the first time in almost two years, I bought some iceberg! I'm partial to a blue cheese dressing, but simple is always better? Love you!
Foodie Photo - Iceberg Lettuce
My favourite way to eat iceberg lettuce - simply, with ranch dressing.
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