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Carolyn Grose
Recent Activity
Yeah, I had some trepidation about posting the article complete with the graphic, which depicts the cover of a magazine that is readily available at all kinds of check-out counters in all kinds of stores, including organic food co-ops! I hate the word, though I love the idea of reclaiming it, much as we have reclaimed words like "dyke" and "queer" in the face of their use as slurs against us. So, six of one, I guess. In any case, thanks for your comment, and I hope you'll keep engaging. Best, CG
Can She Call Herself a 'Lawyer' Without Having Passed the Bar?
By David Lat, Above the Law To those of you getting ready to take the bar exam this week, here's some reassurance for you: even if you fail, life goes on. Consider this list of famous failures, people who didn't pass the bar exam but went on to tremendous success anyway. And here's another bold...
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