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"Establishing an independent project review panel consisting of an arms-length expert panel (accountants, economists, engineers, business people) to do economic evaluations as to whether a project is needed or not would be a good step in the direction of more responsible provincial fiscal management and reduce the impact of political pressure on which projects are selected."
In effect, you're advocating for the removal of fiscal discretion from normal political debate. Does this not depoliticize economic policy and reduce the scope to practice democratic politics?
I have problems with each of your points, but #4 seems to be blatantly undemocratic.
Addressing Ontario's Fiscal Challenges
While 2017-18 saw a surplus of $642 million after years of deficits, the 2018-19 Ontario budget now projects a deficit of $6.7 billion and a net provincial debt of $325 billion with deficits projected to continue for five years afterwards. If one considers the recent report of the Auditor-Gener...
So, basically, take the public out of public policy?
Addressing Ontario's Fiscal Challenges
While 2017-18 saw a surplus of $642 million after years of deficits, the 2018-19 Ontario budget now projects a deficit of $6.7 billion and a net provincial debt of $325 billion with deficits projected to continue for five years afterwards. If one considers the recent report of the Auditor-Gener...
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May 9, 2018
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