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candace clemens
Boston, MA
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a well-done video can be priceless.
Interests: in addition to working as a marketing consultant, i still ride and train horses. and i still have two daughters who did their best trying to train me, but they gave up a long time ago.
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candace clemens is now following Stacey Redden Dore
Nov 10, 2015
Ed - I can't remember my nieces' kids' names! I admire those who remember names. But anyone who listens to the news knows that 50% of most elected officials' time goes to fund-raising for their next election. And the rest of the time seems to be going to Congressional hearings on such important issues as whether or not baseball player Roger Clemens used steroids. Or whether or not former President Clinton got a BJ from an intern (congressional salaries aside, Kenneth Starr's investigation exceeded $70 million). This is an interesting article.
CONGRESSIONAL REFORM ACT of 2011: Congress should live by the same rules as their constituents
I just got this in my email. Makes sense to me. Not about partisan politics. Just about Congress living by the same laws as those who elected them to "serve." Congressional Reform Act of 2011 1. Term Limits. 12 years only, one of the possible options below. A. Two Six-year Senate terms B. S...
Thanks for reading my post and your thoughtful and intelligent response. Hope there are a lot more out there like you! :-) If so, there may be some hope.
Lehman Brothers Scandal on 60 Minutes: Brooksley Born tried to warn us. Elizabeth Warren picks up after Eliot Spitzer dropped the ball?
Please click HERE to see a shocking analysis of the collapse of Lehman Brothers by "60 MINUTES", and lack of prosecution of those who knew exactly what they were doing. The alarmed, loyal and responsible employee of 14 years -- Mathew Lee -- who tried to alert Sr. Management at Lehman Brothers ...
1) tobacco and alcohol is legal (and IMHO both are much more "dangerous"); 2) pot is self-regulating (some people enjoy it, some don't, and some enjoy it but can't function while high on weed); 3) just about everything in life has some sort of potential issues (i.e. drilling for natural gas, greenhouse gas emissions, exposure to sun get the picture) --- CONCLUSION: I really feel that the benefits FAR OUTWEIGH the risks and the costs to the taxpayers when it comes to legalizing home grown weed. Revenue generated by legalizing the growing of pot, along with ridding our criminal and judicial systems of expensive costs to taxpayer associated with prosecuting pot smokers, buyers or growers, all points to the need for speed when decriminalizing weed.
The Need to Legalize Weed
An obvious step towards reducing the drug-related murders in Mexico and, in the process, fixing our own economy -- is legalizing the growing of pot in the U.S., and then significantly taxing the sales. Whenever there is a bust of a U.S.-based grower, all this does is re-funnel the same money in...
Hardly "dumped on." As per my response to Joe Bleaux: "no, I have never heard Car Talk maliciously expose anyone's identity. Howard Stern, maybe. I'm fine with what CL is and provides. I just thought it darkly humorous that someone felt it obligatory to expose my identity to the forum, rather than dropping me a note telling me that I was exposed. Now THAT might have been a lawyer I would have hired."
Kind of like the answer to "why does a dog lick its private parts..." -- is the default setting to act irresponsible and potentially abusive to "innocent victims" who seek help from the Legal Forum? I only ask a question....I do not make a statement. If this kind of behavior is entertainment to the participating lawyers, then I am happy to have provided entertainment.
CRAIGSLIST LAWYERS: Cyber-bullies or Helpful Hints?
Many months ago, I experienced great success searching for input from the CraigsList Pets Forum regarding Bark Softening for my dogs. Recently I was dismayed to discover that I am faced with a minor legal issue that could turn into major money (quelle surprise). I decided to try out the CraigsL...
What part of "you should consult with an attorney before acting on any information found here" don't you understand? I did not make a statement...I asked a question..."is this cyber-bulling?" And, no, I have never heard Car Talk maliciously expose anyone's identity. Howard Stern, maybe. I'm fine with what CL is and provides. I just thought it darkly humorous that someone felt it obligatory to expose my identity to the forum, rather than dropping me a note telling me that I was exposed. Now THAT might have been a lawyer I would have hired!
CRAIGSLIST LAWYERS: Cyber-bullies or Helpful Hints?
Many months ago, I experienced great success searching for input from the CraigsList Pets Forum regarding Bark Softening for my dogs. Recently I was dismayed to discover that I am faced with a minor legal issue that could turn into major money (quelle surprise). I decided to try out the CraigsL...
Thanks, Judy! Coming from you, it's a true compliment. Takes one to appreciate one. :-)
CRIMINAL CHARGES DROPPED: Candace Clemens vs. the CommonSenselesswealth of Massachusetts
Jan. 20th was round 2 in Criminal Court. In round 1, I refused to accept the $300 fine the very kind and wise judge originally offered me at my first hearing in Criminal Court. $300 and all three criminal charges would be dropped. As I told this very wise and kind judge, his offer was very tem...
Haha....yes, I need to think through the whole "Civil Disobedience" thing. Technically, if I am a true protester, I should opt for jail. And, who knows, maybe my friends might enjoy a break from my communications "habit." :-)
PATRIOTISM -- TRADE IN YOUR SCOOTERS FOR BOOZE (and lots of quarters for the parking meters).
Criminal charges against Defendant Candace Clemens (me) provokes me to question the priorities of the State (and my fellow residents) who voted to drop all taxes on booze while tripling costs of operating a low-speed motor scooter. I have received my court date and location – Dec. 16, 2010 at th...
I will publicize your comment. That sucks.
If you haven't read any of my other blog entries about new art forms enabled by or made known by YouTube, this one using sheep, sheep herding dogs, and some exceptionally creative shepherds has to be one of the most innovative! By the way, I found this on a Web site called www.cheerupamerica.c...
Audry -- I didn't mean to write such a long response. If you are as desperate as I was, please do call me and I'll give you the vet's contact info. I'm just being cautious because -- truly -- the animal rights people (including PeTA) are pretty radical, and don't think twice about hurting people if they believe they are doing something "wrong." It's like a cult, or something. They just don't think rationally. (I mean, telling me to drive a screw driver through my neighbor's ear drums????)....
NON-SURGICAL BARK SOFTENING was a win-win-win-win....especially for the dogs.
SHOCKED TO HEAR FROM A KNOWLEDGEABLE CALIFORNIA VET THAT HER STATE MAY SOON FOLLOW MASS, NH, MAINE AND OTHER STATES RESULTING in a BAN for ALL BARK ALTERING PROCEDURES (the law says surgical...but I could NOT get ANY vets except one -- in CA -- to respond to my requests to find help for bark sof...
well, IMHO, the video alerts the public to the bullying and other stuff that is going on anyhow! By having it posted on YouTube, the authorities can arrest the offenders and/or parents can sue the offenders. IMHO, YouTube is doing a favor in this case. The sad case of the sweet young gay man at Rutgers is just a shame. But maybe the creeps who posted the video will get some jail time, and we can start to teach our kids to stop thinking its cool to be bullies AND to use discretion when posting things on YouTube. Thanks for reading and commenting!
I am shocked about the Italian judicial system finding Google executives guilty on criminal privacy charges for the posting -- by an Italian citizen -- of a video on YouTube showing bullying and abuse of an Italian Down's syndrome child by other Italian teens. I mean, should the History Chann...
thank you. I hope others can see your comments. I am increasingly shocked by the insidious invasion of so-called animal rights people into our lives as pet owners.
NON-SURGICAL BARK SOFTENING was a win-win-win-win....especially for the dogs.
SHOCKED TO HEAR FROM A KNOWLEDGEABLE CALIFORNIA VET THAT HER STATE MAY SOON FOLLOW MASS, NH, MAINE AND OTHER STATES RESULTING in a BAN for ALL BARK ALTERING PROCEDURES (the law says surgical...but I could NOT get ANY vets except one -- in CA -- to respond to my requests to find help for bark sof...
why does your name sound so familiar?
MACHINE VISION and SENSOR TECHOLOGY: possibly helping God to identify, measure, sort and send souls to Heaven or Hell? (But early versions potentially helping with problems here on earth)
It will be interesting to see which causes more damage to the earth -- nuclear accidents such as Chernoble, fossil fuel accidents like the BP oil spill, the clash of organized religions, or outrageous and unchecked litigation. For a little levity on this subject, I suggest you revisit the Only "...
Oh...the vet I used was located in Hudson, NY. But I also got a name of one in Manhattan. But for me, coming from Boston, the drive was just 2-1/2 hours. $27 in gas. And I got all their shots done at that time, too.....only $16 for rabies and $34 for the 4-way booster! The bark softening cost was $135 per dog -- and that included anesthesia. I plan to make the trip to that vet every year, and will offer to take any friends dogs and cats, too.
In Boston area, the annual shots and check ups were running me between $100 and $150 PER DOG!!!!
NON-SURGICAL BARK SOFTENING was a win-win-win-win....especially for the dogs.
SHOCKED TO HEAR FROM A KNOWLEDGEABLE CALIFORNIA VET THAT HER STATE MAY SOON FOLLOW MASS, NH, MAINE AND OTHER STATES RESULTING in a BAN for ALL BARK ALTERING PROCEDURES (the law says surgical...but I could NOT get ANY vets except one -- in CA -- to respond to my requests to find help for bark sof...
sorry I'm late responding! I didn't see your question until tonight. Call me at 617-435-0010 and I'll give you some vet contacts. I just need to be careful, because there are a lot of crazies who might shoot the vet or's like the days before Roe V. Wade!!!!
OMG...if you have a dog barking problem, I cannot encourage you enough to get the procedure done!!!! the change in our quality of life was sooooooooo dramatic AND immediate. My neighbors are so happy....and my DOGS are the happiest of all! They can still bark! Even loud enough still to wake me up if they are outdoors and my windows are open....but it's not an ear piercing bark...just very soft and sweet.
They are so happy because now they can chase the squirrels and birds, and run and tumble and play to their hearts content, and they don't know that their barks are any different.
They just know that they aren't constantly getting shocked, sprayed or hearing ultra-sonic sounds that hurt their ears when they bark. And no one is yelling at them anymore....we LOVE our boyz again. AND....they can now spend the night outside of their crates! (they used to wake me up in the middle of the night if I let them sleep out of their crates...because they'd hear animals outside or my tenants coming and going)
....AND my boss lets me bring them to work w/ me, now. It started after the procedure, because you have to keep them QUIET and CALM for about 2 weeks, or they may get their barks back (truly, the ONLY danger of the procedure!). So he let me bring in some crates during those first 2 weeks. They got some pee and play breaks during the day...they can run off leash in the woods around the office parking lot. (Before the bark softening, I had to take them to work with me once. when I let them loose for their pee break, they were barking their heads off chasing each other around hte loud that people in the building could hear them. AND...they had trouble hearing me call them because they were barking so loud!) that they are so quiet but still very, very happy and enthusiastic about greeting everyone at my office....the morale at my office went up so dramatically since the boyz started coming to work with me. Finally, my disapproving, non-dog-loving boss actually asked me to bring them to work all the time!
He's kind of a grumpy sort of guy, and is strict about the amount of time they are allowed to run around the office and say hi to everyone....and I agree. It's not professional. But about twice a day, they get to run around the office and say hi to everyone. And it really does cheer everyone up!!!! They are just happy, exuberant dogs who just love people. However, when they turned a year old, their voices changed, and -- as much as everyone loved them -- ouch....their enthusiastic greeting hurt all of our ears.
They gave no signs of any discomfort after the procedure (unlike when they were neutered), and feel no pain or discomfort now.
NON-SURGICAL BARK SOFTENING was a win-win-win-win....especially for the dogs.
SHOCKED TO HEAR FROM A KNOWLEDGEABLE CALIFORNIA VET THAT HER STATE MAY SOON FOLLOW MASS, NH, MAINE AND OTHER STATES RESULTING in a BAN for ALL BARK ALTERING PROCEDURES (the law says surgical...but I could NOT get ANY vets except one -- in CA -- to respond to my requests to find help for bark sof...
candace clemens is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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