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I watch a lot of TV
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Fall Hot Takes
The Muppets: Enh (just got a full season pickup) Heroes: Reborn: Pretty Terrible Supergirl: Loved the Premiere Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2015 at Some People Juggle Geese
2015 TV Preview
Entertainment Weekly got their Fall TV Preview issue out THE WEEK BEFORE the TV season starts this year! It's a miracle! As always, this is my biased and incomplete guide to what I think of the new TV season. If it's not worth mentioning, I won't. Here's the day-by-day: Sunday:... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2015 at Some People Juggle Geese
2014 Fall TV Preview
For those of you finding this for the first time, a brief explanation: This is a completely biased and non comprehensive preview of the fall TV season. We’ll go day-by-day and I’ll list the time, premiere date, and network with the show title. It’s a day or two late, so... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2014 at Some People Juggle Geese
New 24: Nope
I've been recording the new 24: Live Another Day, but I hadn't worked up the mojo to start watching until tonight. I made it 20 minutes. I'm out. There's nothing about 24 that interests me anymore. Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2014 at Some People Juggle Geese
For the Shakespeare fans
The Hollow Crown series (Richard II through Henry V) starts tonight on PBS. It's from the BBC and it's excellent. Set your DVRs. Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2013 at Some People Juggle Geese
Fall TV starts tonight
I don't have my EW Fall TV issue yet to give you the full rundown, but there's an intriguing new show on tonight on Fox. Sleepy Hollow, yep, of the headless horseman varitey, starts tonight. Sounds completely weird, but I'm going to at least check out the premiere. Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2013 at Some People Juggle Geese
Pardon me while I dance on your grave
Anyone who is reading this that actually knows me knows that I rarely actively wish ill on anyone or anything. At worst, I engage in benign neglect of something I don't care for. In this case I'm willing to make an exception. NBC canceled Smash today. There were many cancellations... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2013 at Some People Juggle Geese
Newsroom returning July 14
It wasn't the greatest series, but it's Sorkin and it's back for season 2 starting July 14 on HBO. Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2013 at Some People Juggle Geese
This is entirely for Rob. Vulture posted a "Name...
This is entirely for Rob. Vulture posted a "Name That John Williams Score in Three Notes." thing today. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I bet you'd nail it. Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2013 at Some People Juggle Geese
Two quick things
One, Disney just bought Lucasfilm for $4B. That's FOUR BILLION DOLLARS. I am amazed at the amount and ambivalent about the overall transaction. Also, apparently, they announced that Star Wars Episode VII will be released in 2015. Say it with me...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Two, if you're still (hate)watching Smash, it finally has... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
New West Wing
Sort of. But it's pretty much the whole cast minus Charlie. It's a get out the vote ad for a reliative of Mary McCormack who is running to be a judge in Michigan. It's not quite Sorkin snappy, but it's pretty great to see everyone together again. Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
2012 Fall TV Preview
Hello again! I know I don't post as much as I used to, but I still feel like the Fall TV Preview is an exercise worth doing, so here goes. You know the rules: I only talk about shows I care about, with an occasional diversion in to shows that... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
Because I promised I would
The Jeff Probst Show starts tomorrow, September 10, at 2:00 p.m. on NBC (in the Bay Area anyway). The premiere episode is called, I kid you not, "Jeff's Premiere Episode With Guests Who Say Yes to Life in Incredible Ways!" So he's not in to the whole brevity thing. Fall... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
September dates to remember
I gotta find a better platform than typepad for my "blogging", since I'm pretty sure the amount that I hate working with it is directly related to how often I've been posting lately. Which is to say, I hate it a lot, and therefore I post infrequently. That said, I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
It's time to start thinking about Summer TV
Summer TV has really become a thing in the last few years. It used to be a dumping ground of stuff the networks wanted to burn off that they didn't end up airing during the regular TV season for one reason or another. These days it's mostly the domain of... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
Upfronts, Sherlock and Avengers
It's almost upfront time, which is when the networks roll out their fall shows to advertisers. It's also often when we find out which shows aren't coming back in order to make room for the new shows. The first casualty is Fox's Alcatraz. It wasn't looking good for it, but... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
Fringe renewed for a final season
While this season has not been my favorite, it's still one of my favorite shows. I'm delighted that Fringe will be back for a final season next year. Hooray! Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
"Nothing says hit TV like an economics lecture"
Great article in Vanity Fair about Newsroom. Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
Newsroom premiere date set
The new Aaron Sorkin show, Newsroom, will debut on June 24, HBO announced today. That is all. Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
New Aaron Sorkin show on HBO
*kermit flail* June! Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
Terra Nova is history
I was trying to make a prehistoric joke with the title, but I'm not feeling clever enough to make it work. Suffice to say, Fox has canceled Terra Nova. I'm not terribly surprised, but I'm still a little sad. I think I'm more sad that Fox managed to make a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2012 at Some People Juggle Geese
State of Play on BBC America
This has been out on DVD and on Netflix for years now, and I've mentioned it before, but if you have never seen the origial miniseries of State of Play that ran in Britain in 2003, now's your chance. It's starts airing tomorrow night on BBC America. This is the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2011 at Some People Juggle Geese
Survivor gets three more seasons
CBS announced today that it's signed for three more seasons of Survivor. It's currently running Survivor 23, so for those of you afraid of math, that means there will be at least 26 seasons of Survivor when all is said and done. Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2011 at Some People Juggle Geese
A couple random news bits
I'm doing my best to close open firefox tabs this morning and have come across a couple things that I should just drop in here. One, and this is kinda old news, is that The IT Crowd isn't returning for a fifth series. There will be a special in 2012,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2011 at Some People Juggle Geese
Here's the thing about Terra Nova
I know I don't tend to write critically here much, and when I do it's usually something clever like "it sucks", but I have to spend a few minutes on Terra Nova. Here's the thing: it could be so much better. It could be incredible. I mean, start with time... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2011 at Some People Juggle Geese
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