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Right in the middle of Tenneesee.
Over 25 years as a Professional Antique Furniture Refinisher and Restorer Plus Chair Caning Skills
Interests: Self-taught computer "geek" with dsl rocket fast connection from middle tennessee to the world, designed own weblog...for refinishing, chair caning and repair. active selling on ebay with wide selection of items for sale to the world. middle tennessee location is home to auctions on almost every night to provide a valuable source of antique treasures, New service for hand crafted original furniture creations designed to match your exact requirements, Current styles all the way up to high end antique reproductions.
Recent Activity
When was the last time you visited your local furniture store and asked to see the furniture made in the United States? Next time you shop for furniture ask the owner where are the displays of American Made furniture. Try... Continue reading
That's right! No place else to get professionally done chair caning done in the entire state of Tennessee! So if you need lace cane, fiber rush cane, pre-woven cane, modern close woven cane or any other pattern we can do... Continue reading
> Where Oh Where?...Can you acquire such fashionable decorator quality dining room furniture hand-crafted to your very own selections! Not in your local (overpriced) furniture stores--no way! OK then how can you do it? Well the good news is you... Continue reading
From distressed black finishes to careful antique restorations Cedarberry does it all. We can reproduce missing parts or modify existing furniture. We are the only chair caning source left in middle Tennessee with over 25 yrs. experience. Yes...Grandma's old antique... Continue reading
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Mar 15, 2010