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Mile High Customs
Centennial, CO 80012
The car you drive says a lot about you. Maybe you drive an elegant sedan to exude that chic style and luxury, or maybe you drive a sports car to let you seize the adventure all around you. Whatever the vehicle, Mile High Customs is here to help you reach and exceed your own expectations for the appearance of your car by miles. Led by Hozifa Basha, Waleed Hamideh and Mohamed Basha, our team works diligently to help drivers feel more comfortable in a car that looks exactly how you want it to. Our workmanship is unsurpassed. With five years of industry experience, we’re the preferred car protection and customization resource in Denver, specializing in window tinting, clear bra paint protection, and vinyl graphic wraps.
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Mile High Customs is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 6, 2018