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"Who? Barone Piccini."
Hi Alice, I'm afraid you have a typo: it's "Barone PiZZini" :-)
I'm an italian bubble lover and I often note an unpleasant bitter finish in many Franciacorta. Perhaps the reason is that because of the climate (warmer than Champagne) grapes are picked not quite ripe to preserve acidity, but it's just a guess
Grape Jacuzzi Franciacorta-Style
This August I took a handout *** from the region to come and experience it. Where? The bubble-centric Franciacorta. That's in Lombardia, Northern Italy. Had I been pedaling my own bicycle, I might have found more people interested in wine and not in its brand. ( I tried to sneak in a visit to C...
Centobicchieri is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 28, 2015
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