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Annette Stewart
Interests: rubber stamping, ceramics, my family, reading, scrapbooking, & friends
Recent Activity
Sorry you have not heard from me. January I had reconstructive surgery on my left foot. Long, long recovery. Finally up on it and starting to walk again. I am still here...looking to vamp up my stamping business this spring/summer!! How are you doing? What have you been creating? I would love to see some of your stuff. Love, Annette
Toggle Commented May 25, 2017 on Adorable... at Ink-Paper-Scissors...Rock!
The Sentiment 'Just for You' is from the Occasions Mini Catalog page #18 - it is exclusive to the Kit: Pop-Up Posies Designer Kit. Fun kit to have. Item #131395 - $12.95
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2013 on So cute... at Ink-Paper-Scissors...Rock!
HI Theresa, I wanted to let you know that I have posted the supplies I used for this card. Sorry for any delay. I forgot to say that I used Crumb Cake, Soft Suede, and Very Vanilla Card stock with Soft Suede and Crumb Cake Ink. If you have any other questions - please contact me.
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2013 on Gate~fold Card... at Ink-Paper-Scissors...Rock!
Good Morning, Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. Theresa, I will definitely list the materials I use. Just give me some time to put that list together and I will edit the post for you. Thanks for letting me know you wanted it. I appreciate that! Happy Stamping!!
Toggle Commented Feb 6, 2013 on Gate~fold Card... at Ink-Paper-Scissors...Rock!
Annette Stewart is now following Heather Summers
Jan 20, 2013
Hi Trina, Glad you like the card. Have fun with it!!
Thank you Andrea - you are such a sweetie!
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2012 on A warm welcome... at Ink-Paper-Scissors...Rock!
Andrea Thank you so much for all your comments. You are just too sweet! They are nice cards to make for a change. It is fun to do some fun fold cards! Thanks so much for letting me know what you thing!!! Annette Annette Stewart StampinUp! Demonstrator My Blog: My SU site: (973) 515-0619 Your rubber stamping and scrapbook expert!
Toggle Commented Oct 29, 2011 on Fabulous Friend... at Ink-Paper-Scissors...Rock!