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cera added a photo at Streetsy
Drunk bombin' up the French Quarter of New Orleans with 1ll Society!
Mar 15, 2012
cera added a photo at Streetsy
This portrait is an exploration of the Milwaukee’s history, as well as my own experience with this place. It’s laden with symbolism and references to the things that made Milwaukee a city, like alcohol brewing, iron business and trading, some of the original plant life, and patterns that reference Milwaukee’s first socialist mayor, Emil Seidel. Juxtaposing that is my own experience here, watching. Alcoholism, cold weather, and the stale taste in my mouth.
Feb 26, 2012
cera added a photo at Streetsy
James Cameron started the Black Holocaust Museum in Northwest Milwaukee, with the help of philanthropist, Daniel Bader. Cameron passed in 2006, and with his passing, the museum went into disrepair. This is my investigation of a man that carried a strong word, and who left behind a powerful story. I'm interested in sharing the weight of his word, and taking the responsibility to initiate healthy cross cultural/community communication with the language that I know.
Feb 7, 2012
cera added a photo at Streetsy
2206 W. North Ave., Milwaukee, WI
Jan 11, 2012
cera added a photo at Streetsy
1709 East North Avenue, Baltimore, MD
Dec 21, 2011
cera added a photo at Streetsy
Christopher Robinson, 18 years old, beaten to death in a wing of the Robert N. Davoren Center. Rikers Island Prizon "The Program" "The Team" Drawing and painting on paper.
Nov 14, 2011
cera added a photo at Streetsy
"I don't know about forgiveness anymore." -Carter Strange The entry to a larger body of work, motivated and directed by racially motivated violence. The primary focus is not to document the problems that we create for ourselves and our communities, but instead to provide a platform for the beginnings of a better/healthier communication and discussion between our sadly divided communities. 29th and Clybourn, Milwaukee WI
Oct 31, 2011
cera added a photo at Streetsy
Portrait of my father from last semester. Digital collage made to handcut Relief print, around 8ft by 12ft Woops, little heavy on the woodglue.
May 17, 2011
cera added a photo at Streetsy
Right off 1st and Mitchell, Milwaukee WI
May 7, 2011
cera added a photo at Streetsy
Farwell and North Ave. Milwaukee WI
Mar 30, 2011
cera is now following Gaia
Mar 17, 2011
So sick.
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2011 on No title at Streetsy
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cera added a photo at Streetsy
Digital collage of a sitter. My goal was to create a personality that exists within the sitter's portrait. She becomes someone else in the transformation between photograph and digital alteration. Then onto how she exists in a public setting. How does she decay, how does she become the environment that she's placed in. I'm working on a series of portraits that approach this idea from different directions. Photographs and collage, digital pattern manipulation, transfered to photolithography.
Mar 14, 2011
cera is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 14, 2011