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Of all the signs, fancy adverts and laminated, overdesigned bits and bobs pinned on this notice board, the one that stood out the most was this one Case in point right there. Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2010 at words and pictures
This is Stephen Stephen is the master of all things ink, type and letter press related, who makes brilliant posters that look a bit like this We went along for a workshop at his studio in Walthamstow the other week to learn all about the history of letter pressing and printing and make some posters. I had no idea that so many well known phrases come from the world of printing. For example, as soon as you set the type (letters) in the chase (frame), it becomes a form. If your type then warps when you go to print, it's... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2010 at words and pictures
Cycling home tonight, a police car whizzed past me, blue lights flashing, siren blaring. Two sets of traffic lights down the road, I spotted the same police car, pulled up in a bus lane, lights still flashing but only one policeman sat in the car on the passenger side and no criminal in site. As I cycled past, the other policeman was strolling back from the local corner shop to his flashing illegally parked vehicle, clutching two bottles of Lucozade. Turns out they just really needed an emergency fix of concentrated energy. Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2010 at words and pictures
Stole this from a hotel recently It was next to the 'Do not Disturb' and 'Please clean my room' signs Brilliant. Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2010 at words and pictures
Everytime I go to make a cup of tea in the little kitchen in our office, I think exactly the same thing I wish this jug was a mug. I know I am not alone in this wish. Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2010 at words and pictures
You might have noticed our rabbits hanging around recently Since we're not allowed to bring pets to work, I bought this rabbit from Garudio Studiage in lieu of installing a hutch in the office He currently lives on top of the shelf in Creative Corner, near the coin counter. Flat pets are a perfect for people who don't have enough space in their homes for a real pet or have a tendency to kill houseplants just by putting them on their desk. As well as rabbits, you can also get White Kitten, Neon Ginger Kitten and Golden Yellow Labrador Puppy.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at words and pictures
We had our end of year crit the other week I didn't go to art school so I've never had one before but technically, I don't think it was a crit in the true sense of the word. There wasn't any sitting around, defending your work while everyone else slagged it off and then finding a poetic corner to weep in afterwards (though there were a few late nights in getting it all ready) It was more like a mini exhibition of everything the creative team have produced in the last year. It's only when you print it all out,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2009 at words and pictures
I went to The Great North Museum in Newcastle last weekend. I used to go there all the time as a kid when it was known as The Hancock Museum (the sign above the door still says Hancock) I loved the Hancock. It was full of old wooden glass cabinets with the most amazing array of everything from mummies through to insects, flowers, stuffed weasels, mountain lions and barn owls plus a life size T-Rex skeleton and a giant whale. It had that gloomy yet enticing feel about it which made you want to ditch your parents, wander off, get... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at words and pictures
This is our new wall It used to have a big map on it which showed all the countries where we buy our fruit and the various projects the innocent foundation supports. Here it is behind Ellen MacArthur But the map is moving above the kitchen and the wall has now been painted in blackboard paint. It's going to be a place where we can display all the new stuff we've made through to interesting stuff we've found, somewhere to stick nice letters, Ted's web fact of the week, that sort of thing. Three other reasons why this new wall... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2009 at words and pictures
We had a show and tell in our creative monthly last week where we all had to bring something we'd seen that we liked. Zoe brought in some photos of handpainted shop signs from India and Tansy brought a map of London, marked with all her favourite routes and places. I brought in a leaflet from Hans Schabus' exhibition Next Time I'm Here, I'll Be There which was all about the chair and how chairs and sitting have become such a central part of western culture and society. In a nutshell, it talked about everything from how sitting is not... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2009 at words and pictures
This is our team (as drawn by Dan) Left to right: Benny, Ted, Ceri, Kat, Tansy and Zoe Dan and Ceri do the words. Ben, Kat and Zoe do the pictures. Ted does everything webby. And Tansy is the boss who makes it all happen. This blog is a place where we're going to be putting stuff we're working on, stuff that we like and anything else of interest we stumble across. So we thought we'd better introduce ourselves and say hello properly. Hello. Dan neglected to include himself in the picture above. So here's a self portrait he penned... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2009 at words and pictures
We've just made a smart new POS kit to send to all the shops that sell our drinks. For those not au fait with the giddy world of retail acronyms, POS stands for Point of Sale. Table talkers, wobblers, shelf edge labels, barkers, barkstops, fins - POS is basically anything that tells customers your stuff is being sold in that shop. It's usually positioned by the tills or on the shelf next to your products to help draw attention to them and hopefully sell a few more. Here's a posh stand to sit next to a till (or infront of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2009 at words and pictures
So, after much discussion, the winning caption comes from Simon Stanley. The coconut shy had finally hit puberty A very well done to Simon. Smoothies on their way to you very soon. Big thanks to everyone who entered and of course, to all the boys who took part in Movember.
Toggle Commented Dec 1, 2008 on caption competition at innocent drinks