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TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Our team provide the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment on line and also in standard face-to-face classes.When you enrol in our Certificate IV in Training and Assessment we give you the option to select the elective units you will study. Having more than 2 decades of practical knowledge as an RTO, delivering training and assessment training courses, we can be relied upon to give you a quality, interesting and enjoyable Cert Iv in training and assessment course.A support staff member will conduct a phone information session prior to finishing your application for enrolment. You will have the choice to pay your enrolment fees for the TAE40110course entirely, or simply to pay a down payment of $250 and choose our interest-free repayment schedule. As a student you'll get unlimited twenty-four hours a day access to our easy-to-use, intuitive e-learning website and obtain quality up-to-date learning guides, video and audio tutorials, personalised feedback, and telephone support.You will also have limitless access to the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Student Support Network. At the completion of the course you will receive your attractive, nationally recognised Certificate IV in Training and Assessment printed certificate. If you'd like to talk with a staff member about enrolling in or upgrading to the Cert Iv in training and assessment electives give us a call on 02-6335 5216 or e-mail us.
Interests: Certificate IV Trainer And Assessor Course
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Aug 27, 2015
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