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What would you do to get into your university of choice? Study hard? Do volunteer work? Design an app? If you're trying to get into Stanford like Reshma Kapoor, you know that it might take a little something more than that. Something spectacular. Something that will set you apart from... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2016 at TPL Teens
Great idea! Some other people have made the same suggestion, so we're looking at starting one up. Please call us to be put on the list...days and times are still undecided.
1 reply
Hi guys! I'm glad you're loving The Agency as much as we all do. Gobika--if you can't find a copy of it in your own library, ask the librarian to place a hold for you. Then it will be sent to your library for you to pick up. It's free and easy--we do it all the time! Myurika and Gowrika--sorry for the confusion, the book's author is not Sherlock Holmes, it's Y.S. Lee. I mentioned Sherlock because he is another very famous Victorian detective that many people like to read about. I'm sure Ms. Lee would be flattered by the comparison!
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Thanks for the link--there are a few here I'm curious to see. I'll be pointing a few other people this way too!
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Mar 8, 2010