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C. Charpentier
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Damien, did you see a slow-mo replay of the incident or would that screw up your eyesight and reasoning? In your opinion what was Chara high on not to know precisely where he was on the ice? Your comments do not make sense. Chara was lucky mot to have previously maimed Grabovski. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Pacioretty. Maybe we should blame the Habs player for being on the ice at that time or the architect's arena plans ...or maybe the fact the Goons were trailing 4-0 or... Next you can expect this type of crap from Lucic as Chara will recover from being slapped on the hand.
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2011 on They Never Get Easier at The Spin
C. Charpentier is now following TypePad France
Mar 9, 2011