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The Business, Science & Technology Department of North York Central Library compiles a monthly calendar of free science and applied science events in Toronto. Applied science includes health, gardening, pets and food - all subjects found in the department's collection. Here is the April calendar (PDF). Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2019 at North York Central Library Blog
In December I often post about the best popular science books of the year (see the lists for 2013 and 2015). I look for books that appear again and again as I check lists of the best non-fiction published in the past year. Here, better late than never, is my... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2017 at North York Central Library Blog
I've just finished reading Teva Harrison's memoir In-Between Days, and I understand now why it has been so widely praised. Her book is often sad, sometimes funny and always honest. It's a window into the world of someone living with a life-threatening disease, in the space between wellness and illness,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Thanks for taking the time to make these suggestions Iana. They look like great resources for parents. The Go Away, Big Green Monster!app sounds cool. I hadn't heard of this book, but I know Ed Emberley is an award-winning children's author. I'm sure many parents will want to share it with their kids. Thanks again for your comment.
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I'm sad to report that the creepy clown viral phenomenon has come to Canada. People dressed as menacing clowns are being spotted, in particular, around schools. I sympathize with parents who have to comfort children frightened by one of these imposters (of course they're not real clowns, and they are... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Male firefly in flight, hoping to attract a female by sending out a light signal. Photo by Terry Priest. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license. Many children are fascinated by bugs. I remember my children's curiosity about the ladybugs and earthworms in our garden and the beautiful... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Tiny Houses, Hatteras, North Carolina. Image by Bill Dickinson; shared via Creative Commons license You can't open a newspaper these days without seeing articles about the Canadian housing market. Pointing out the growing gap between incomes and house prices, predicting the inevitable correction, or perhaps a soft landing, they can... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Thanks Ashley. I think the subjects (business, science and technology) will combine well in a single department. They overlap to some extent anyway, so many customers will now find the information they need at a single location in the Library. And when the renovation is complete the new space will be bright, airy and comfortable. So by all means come by and visit us!
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If you're a regular visitor to the North York Central Library you've probably noticed some recent changes. The Library is undergoing a major renovation, a project that will be completed over the next few years. One change which has already taken place is the merger of the Business Department with... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
From food trucks to patios, a sure sign that summer has arrived in the city is the return of outdoor dining. So during this first weekend of summer, may I put in a good word for my favourite outdoor meal - the picnic? I have fond memories of childhood picnics.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Image courtesy Maciej A. Czyzewski via Wikimedia Commons Could we have had a more perfect long weekend than the one that just ended with Victoria Day? If you weren't at a cottage or campground, you may have spent time in your backyard, as I did, working in the garden. My... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Image:, licensed under CC0 I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions. January 1, falling during the coldest and darkest time of the year, just doesn't feel like the right time for new beginnings. In the spring, signs of new growth and new life are all around, so... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Thanks Emoke. It's funny how things can be strange and familiar at the same time. So much has changed when it comes to all the gear and gadgets available to help you care for a baby, like warmers for baby wipes, multi-piece stroller "systems" and video baby monitors. Fortunately the basics are timeless!
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2016 on My Grand Plans at North York Central Library Blog
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Last week I became a grandmother for the first time. Aside from the twinge of sadness at reaching another milestone on the road to old age, it's proving to be a wonderful experience. As people often point out, grandparents can revisit many of the joys of parenthood without the full-time... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Image courtesy of University of Cambridge Institute of Astronomy Last month scientists from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration announced that on September 14 gravitational waves were detected for the first time. Two LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) detectors "measured ripples in the fabric of spacetime – gravitational waves – arriving at... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Thank you for your thoughtful comments, and for your insight into the value of pet therapy.
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2016 on Pet Therapy at North York Central Library Blog
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Thanks Denise. I second your recommendation of Jon Katz' books. I've enjoyed them.
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2016 on Pet Therapy at North York Central Library Blog
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Thanks for your suggestion Heather. I'm looking forward to reading Rhnye's book.
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2016 on Pet Therapy at North York Central Library Blog
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Let's count the ways in which pets are good for us: they provide companionship they give purpose to our days they diagnose life-threatening illnesses Come again? It seems there may be some truth to stories about pets that sniff out tumors; there's enough anecdotal evidence that clinical trials are being... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
Public domain image courtesy of Pixabay Foods that are high in sugar, fat and salt can be hard to resist. A study published in 2015 found that " highly processed foods, which may share characteristics with drugs of abuse...appear to be particularly associated with food addiction” and suggested that they're... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2016 at North York Central Library Blog
This is a great time of year for readers. Lists of the best books of the year can help you plan your holiday reading and gift buying. In November we featured the Royal Society's 2015 Winton Prize winning and nominated popular science books. This month, a look at critics' choices... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2015 at North York Central Library Blog
I'll admit to a fascination with poisons. So when I saw this new book in the library catalogue, I knew I'd have to read it. The great British mystery writer Agatha Christie worked as an apothecary or pharmacy assistant during both world wars. Her knowledge of poisons was put to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2015 at North York Central Library Blog
Tom Rand Until recently I was probably one of the few people not familiar with the story of the boiling frog. It goes like this: if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. But if you put a frog into a pot of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2015 at North York Central Library Blog
Hi Denise, I'd love to go back some day, and the Okavango is on my list as well. I think Africa is in my blood now! All the books on my night table at the moment are about Africa. Right now I'm reading Cathedral of the Wild by Boyd Varty, a memoir of growing up on his family's game reserve, Londolozi. It's wonderful - and it takes me right back to South Africa. I often read about a place that I've visited after I come home - to me it's a way of extending the experience. Thanks for your comment.
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Thanks, Emoke. We saw so many animals and birds...I'm happy to share a few photos, although they only scratch the surface. I think my favourite is the gecko; I love how you can see the photographer's reflection in its eyes!
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