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Chaim Szmidt
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And if anybody thinks, "why should I worry, I am not Jewish!" remember this is merely a dress rehearsal before the actual assault. What will follow? A total war against any infidels (yes, especially Christians - they represent the biggest prize and a victory against Christianity will cement Islam's iron grip!). Wake up, before you are forced to listen 5 times a day, everyday of your lives, to the sound of the muezzin calling everyone to prayer from some newly built minaret.
Appeasement, will only get you killed... converted... or enslaved!
Obviously Jewish Man Brutally Stabbed in Strasbourg, France
I have to wonder if the would-be murderers are Muslim. I say that because the police immediately said the assailants were mentally ill. That is always code for lone jihadis, Muslims who go off on Jews, honor killers, etc. Kippah-Wearing Jew Stabbed in Chest in Strasbourg (hat tip Jane) (Israeln...
When a religion sees pedophilia as a an emulation of the Prophet (PBUH! MAY HE CONTINUE TO ROT IN HELL FOR ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!) and therefore a sacred duty what can you expect?
Dying for Love: Child Bride Dies After Sex Organs Rupture
A religion of peace and love. Muhammad married a six year old, so it's all good. Obama say: Respect it!Child Bride Dies After Sex Organs Rupture FOX News A 13-year-old Yemeni girl who was forced into marriage died five days after her wedding when she suffered a rupture in her sex organs and hem...
Chaim Szmidt is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 8, 2010
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