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Maniacal Mom with a heart
Interests: The first obvious thing -- playing on the computer; also on-line spades, Ebay, reading, gardening, manicures/pedicures (after a long day of gardening of course), snow-skiing, baking, stock market investing, cosmetic product collecting (I am a product junky), swimming, spending time with my family, health & fitness, traveling, shopping, learning Spanish, blackjack/gambling, trying to enjoy today and not obsess about tomorrow, movies, Italian food, biking, Multiple Sclerosis research, volunteering at school, being a member of the PTA board, being the treasurer for the Home Owners Association, and last but certainly not least being a MOM. <P ALIGN="CENTER"><SIZE=4><u>Rules to live by: </P></BODY></u> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Tempus Sans ITC" SIZE=4>• TAKE TIME TO SMELL THE ROSES • TAKE A NAP ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON • DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY • NEVER DEPRIVE SOMEONE OF hope - IT MAY BE ALL THEY HAVE • BE thankful FOR EVERY MEAL • DON’T BE AFRAID TO SAY “I’M SORRY” • DON’T TAKE GOOD HEALTH FOR GRANTED • DON’T INTERRUPT • DON’T TAILGATE • IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE BY IMPROVING YOUR ATTITUDE • Wave AT CHILDREN ON THE SCHOOL BUS • Listen TO YOUR CHILDREN • LEAVE EVERYTHING A LITTLE BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT • LEAVE THE TOILET IN THE DOWN POSITION • KEEP IT SIMPLE • KEEP GOOD COMPANY • KEEP YOUR PROMISE • BE KINDER THAN NECESSARY • TAKE GOOD care OF THOSE YOU love • MAKE IT A HABIT TO DO NICE THINGS FOR PEOPLE WHO WILL NEVER FIND OUT • JUDGE YOUR SUCCESS BY THE DEGREE THAT YOU’RE ENJOYING PEACE, HEALTH, AND LOVE • BE A GOOD LOSER • BE A GOOD WINNER • BE ROMANTIC • LIVE SO THAT WHEN YOUR CHILDREN THINK OF fairness, CARING AND integrity, THEY THINK OF YOU • ENJOY REAL MAPLE SYRUP • NEVER REFUSE HOMEMADE BROWNIES • REMEMBER OTHER PEOPLE’S BIRTHDAYS • SING IN THE SHOWER • DON’T NAG • DON’T GOSSIP • DON’T EXPECT MONEY TO BRING YOU happiness • BE FORGIVING OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS • NEVER give UP ON ANYONE. MIRACLES HAPPEN EVERY DAY • SAY THANK YOU A LOT • SAY PLEASE A LOT • TAKE YOUR DOG TO OBEDIENCE SCHOOL. YOU’LL BOTH LEARN A LOT • SLOW DANCE • DON’T RAIN ON OTHER PEOPLE’S PARADE • DON’T POSTPONE JOY • STOP BLAMING OTHERS. TAKE responsibility FOR EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE • TAKE CARE OF YOUR reputation. IT’S YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET • COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS • WHISTLE • MARRY ONLY FOR LOVE • CALL YOUR MOTHER • DO MORE THAN IS EXPECTED • BE THERE WHEN PEOPLE NEED YOU • BE SOMEONE’S HERO • SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY. •</P></FONT></BODY> <p><u>Quotes to live by:</u></p> <p>"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." -- Helen Keller</P> <p>"If you can dream it you can do it." -- Walt Disney</p> <p><a href=""> “I'll what what she's having" </a> -- When Harry met Sally</p> <p>"Risk IS our business." -- Captain James T. Kirk</p> <p>"Take control of your destiny. Believe in yourself. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Avoid negative sources, people, places, thoughts and habits. Don't ever give up and don't ever give in." -- Unknown</p> <p>"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." -- Forrest Gump</P> <p>"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance." -- George Bernard Shaw</p> <p>"The right pair of shoes can change your life." -- Cinderella</p> <p>"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss</p> <p>Pretty versatile, huh? </p>
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Mar 15, 2010