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Chantal Beaupré
Drummondville, Quebec - Canada
Emotional Mastery Coach to men and women who are ready to create more happiness in their lives.
Recent Activity
Finding Success Through the Law of Attraction
We have been told time and again that there really are no limitations on the positive changes the Law of Attraction can bring into our lives, that the possibilities are endless. But how can we use the Law of Attraction in an effective, powerful way so that we finally fulfill our heartfelt goals of success and happiness and create an exceptional life for ourselves? This is an excellent and very important question. After all, it doesn’t do you much good to know what the Law of Attraction is if you do not know how to use it to achieve success... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
She's Back by Popular Demand!
A couple of weeks ago, I have hosted a high content Webinar training on Secrets to Money-Making Membership Programs featuring Internet Marketing Advisor, Kathleen Gage. This Webinar training has been such an outstanding success and we have received so many positive comments about it that Kathleen and I have decided to offer it to you again... absolutely free! Date: Monday, October 31, 2011 Time: 1:00 PM Eastern (12:00 PM Central, 10:00 AM Pacific) Here’s what you can expect: One hour of solid content and then Q&A time where you can ask Kathleen any question you would like about fixed-term membership... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
She's Back by Popular Demand!
A couple of weeks ago, I have hosted a high content Webinar training on Secrets to Money-Making Membership Programs featuring Internet Marketing Advisor, Kathleen Gage. This Webinar training has been such an outstanding success and we have received so many positive comments about it that Kathleen and I have decided to offer it to you again... absolutely free! Date: Monday, October 31, 2011 Time: 1:00 PM Eastern (12:00 PM Central, 10:00 AM Pacific) Here’s what you can expect: One hour of solid content and then Q&A time where you can ask Kathleen any question you would like about fixed-term membership... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
5 Ways to Screw Up with the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction does not always work the way that we would like it to. Why is that? After all, if the Law of Attraction is universal, why does it only work part of the time? The answer to that is found in the minds of the people who are attempting to use it to their own benefit. The only thing standing between you and success is yourself. If your mind is clogged with so much negative energy that it cannot release the positive vibes which will attract the positive energies of the Universe, the Law of Attraction will... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Take Control of Your Life Today!
When it comes to using the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life, making a "vision board" is a very popular technique – and fun to do! A vision board is an actual, physical picture of your desired reality. It is valuable because it forms an especially clear, sharp image which can then attract and focus energy into your goal – whether it is concerned with better health, increased financial success, a happier personal life, more education and travel, a deeper spiritual life, and so on. It works along the same lines as a blueprint... Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Law of Attraction: Is It a Scam?
The Law of Attraction says to live in the knowledge that you are getting what you want. It may seem like a feel good philosophy and nothing more. You might think it is worth considering, but not something that exists in nature. However, the Law of Attraction is based upon the science of physics. In answer to this so important question and in a profound desire to provide you with a powerful and practical tool to help you fulfill your heartfelt goals and desires, I am delighted to announce that I have just released a brand new eBook! The Law... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Creation to Get What You Want Out of Life
Deliberate creation is about having a conscious and purposeful intent for whatever we want in life. Simply put, it refers to our very act of deciding what we want... and getting it! While that might sound very simple and easy – and you might be thinking you already do it – there’s actually a little bit more to it than you think. As a matter of fact, deliberate creation requires a certain focus to succeed, rather than us just choosing a goal to go after and going after it. Many of us think we want something and decide that we’re... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
My absolute pleasure, Ruthie.
I am sure glad you enjoyed this blog post.
May you also have a fabulous day!
Magnetic Attraction: Make It Work in Your Favor!
Magnetic attraction is an important concept in physics and science. It refers to the force that one object uses to attract another, like the way a magnet attracts a metal. However, if you think the only magnetic attraction at work in your life is the one that’s keeping your grocery list on the...
Magnetic Attraction: Make It Work in Your Favor!
Magnetic attraction is an important concept in physics and science. It refers to the force that one object uses to attract another, like the way a magnet attracts a metal. However, if you think the only magnetic attraction at work in your life is the one that’s keeping your grocery list on the front of your refrigerator, then I encourage you to look at how the concept works in a new way. When one thing draws another to itself, it attracts something. Just like when a person tends to attract a certain type of person, whether good or bad, that’s... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Look Here When All Else Fails
I'd like to share a rescuing fact very few people ever realize... At the heart of all our desires lies one secret wish. It isn't to become someone special, or to achieve a social stature whose thrill quickly fades. What we really want is much simpler than that. What we really want is... to be. We long to know that who and what we are has meaning, in and of itself – no matter what. We wish to know – intimately – our own true Story, to share in its open-ended and infinite possibilities, not keep spending our precious time... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Prosperity Consciousness: The Key to Financial Wealth and Abundant Good
It is a well known fact today that prosperity consciousness can literally give us more power over what we are, what we have, and what we do in our lives. “But what is prosperity consciousness?” do you ask. In brief, this is a way of thinking that describes the belief that by opening our minds to the financial opportunities in the world, and by living a life and having a perspective that welcomes financial resources, we bring financial wealth into our lives. Although prosperity consciousness is a concept specially made popular by New Age and New Thought communities, this principle... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Two Little Words to Be Used Very Wisely
Do you know that whatever you think, whatever you say after the words I AM sets into motion those experiences in your life and environment? No kidding! I AM is the great command that calls for the creative power. It is the strongest creative statement in the Universe; it litterally calls circumstances and conditions forth and brings them to you. As a matter of fact, there is no other way Infinite Energy knows how to work. There is no other route it knows to take. Infinite Energy definitely responds to I AM like a genie in a bottle! With that... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
You're so right, D'TaRelle!
I was so caught up in the mental and spiritual principles – and my intention to make this blog post rich in content and short – that I completely forgot to talk about the necessity of taking inspired action.
Of course, all this talk about spiritual abundance and the Law of Attraction means absolutely nothing if it is not followed by us taking inspired action.
In happiness and joy,
Three Simple Steps to Achieving Spiritual Abundance
If you’re like me, spiritual abundance might sound like a phrase that’s hard to decipher. What is spiritual abundance really about? Is it talking about being a very spiritual person, more abundantly spiritual than others? Actually, after reading so many books and attended so many classes on th...
Three Simple Steps to Achieving Spiritual Abundance
If you’re like me, spiritual abundance might sound like a phrase that’s hard to decipher. What is spiritual abundance really about? Is it talking about being a very spiritual person, more abundantly spiritual than others? Actually, after reading so many books and attended so many classes on the subject, I personally came to the conclusion that the ability to tap into our deepest inner self while allowing the Universe to provide for our needs is a good definition. Believe it or not, like it or not, we are all spiritual beings. Whether we’re religious or we do anything spiritual on... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Start Attracting Prosperity Today!
You might think that attracting prosperity sounds like a phrase that people use thinking that you need to meditate two hours a day, not eat meat, and communicate with spirits with Biblical names. And while there are some New Age and New Thought gurus who do all of those things, attracting prosperity to your life is actually much simpler than that! That’s not to say that it’s easy. There are a number of mistakes that you can make, which only means that you won’t attract the prosperity that belongs to you. However, there’s no doom and gloom option when it... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
If You’re Thinking of Starting a Profitable Membership Program… Read This First!
Membership programs are the latest craze. It's likely you have considered starting one, but may not know where to begin. One person who does is Internet Marketing Advisor, Kathleen Gage. On Tuesday, September 13th, I am hosting a special event with Kathleen – Secrets of Money-Making Membership Programs. It is a Free Webinar packed with so much great content about how to create a money-making membership program. During this complimentary high content training, Kathleen promises to reveal her top money-making membership program secrets so you can get your membership program up and running in record time! You will learn: Fast... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
The “Mindfest” is coming! Join at no cost today!
I have recently stumbled upon an amazing online event, which I am sure you won’t want to miss for anything in the world! And the good news is it won’t cost you a single dime to participate! NLP Mindfest is an online festival of powerful change and achievement – yours free! Mindfest begins September 12 and for whatever goal you have, there is an expert who will lead you through simple mind-enhancing processes to help vaporize blocks and fears and set you free. Here’s a just a portion of what you will learn: Mind Mastery: How to kick negative thoughts... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Hello Jeanine,
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog and comment. I sincerely appreciate it. Of course, I fully agree with you: the prime cause of our happiness lies in the thoughts we entertain about our goals, whether achieved or not.
In happiness and joy,
Can We Be Happy Without the Absolute Fulfillment of Our Burning Desires?
This is not a secret anymore: Unhappiness lies not in things outside ourselves, but in the irrational thoughts and false beliefs that inhabit our minds – no matter how and when we have learned and developed these self-defeating ideas. Similarly, it logically follows that happiness can be found...
Get Motivated, Reach Dynamic Performance, and Achieve Your Goals!
Are you struggling with such times when nothing really appeals to you, where you drag your feet from one activity to another, without enthusiasm, a little depressed and exhausted, asking yourself if you will ever find again that boost of motivation so required to achieve your heartfelt goals of success and happiness? And that’s not all... With summer vacation soon coming to a close, bringing most of us back to our regular activities and routines, are you also wondering how to: Give your children the burning desire to invest time and efforts in their studies so that they get great... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
The Secret of My Success...
A couple of weeks ago, I have received an invitation from Dr. Joe Rubino – a leading expert in the happiness arena and also a dear colleague of mine – to become a member of The Ultimate Life Company. Little did I know at the time that my taking action on Joe’s invitation would lead me to: Meet with Ginny Dye – the Founder and CEO of The Ultimate Life Company – and host a Free High Content Webinar with her as my special guest on how to overcome the limitations of our mind, step forward in courage, embrace change,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
A Simple Formula to Ease Anxiety, Build Confidence, and Increase Performance
Let’s face it squarely: each and everyone of us encounter plenty of situations that we qualify as being stressful and unpleasant. But each and everyone of us do not necessarily deal with these particular situations in the same way. For example, some people really take these stressful situations to heart, so to speak. They dwell on the unpleasantness and discomfort they experience. Not only do they rarely take their thoughts away from these stressful situations, but these are most often the last thing they think about at night. These people generally think, feel, and behave in an anxious and nervous... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
You Want It, You Got It!
A couple of weeks ago, I have conducted a survey to find out what were your specific needs and expectations when it came to creating and sustaining lasting success and happiness in your life. Not only were you very numerous to generously complete the survey – and I am deeply grateful for that! – but I am pleased to share with you some of the most prevalent results. To the question... What is your main area of interest: 81.3% of you mentioned that personal development was your favorite sphere of influence. What’s the biggest problem you currently face in your... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Is Your Personal Thermostat Set to Maximum Success?
When it comes to achieving your heartfelt goals of success and happiness, do you ask yourself questions like: Do I have what it takes to be a winner and achieve my goals? I have a lot of great ideas, but I never get any results. What’s wrong? Why am I continually struggling to improve – without success? If these questions sound familiar to you, I want you to know you are not alone. Not only have I been there as well, but I have also asked myself dozens of questions like these ones that reinforced poor self-image and perpetuated self-doubt.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2011 at Chantal Beaupre
Dear Valencia,
Not only do I fully agree with you about the powerful influence of our self-image over the achievement of our heartfelts goals of success and happiness, but you'll be happy to know that I am currently writing an article about this topic! Stay tuned!
In happiness and joy,
What Is the Number One Cause to Unhappiness and Misery?
While I know this is somewhat painful, I invite you anyway to take a few moments to look at the world and the unhappiness and misery that overwhelm it, that overwhelm us all. What do you know notice? Where do all this unhappiness and misery come from? Do you know the number one cause? Many of ...
Dear Nichola,
Great point! Here's another proof to the effect that the achievement of a burning desire is an opportunity for us to feel happy or unhappy, but it does not cause us to feel happy or unhappy.
In happiness and joy,
Can We Be Happy Without the Absolute Fulfillment of Our Burning Desires?
This is not a secret anymore: Unhappiness lies not in things outside ourselves, but in the irrational thoughts and false beliefs that inhabit our minds – no matter how and when we have learned and developed these self-defeating ideas. Similarly, it logically follows that happiness can be found...
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