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Recent Activity is now following Tony Keefer
Dec 9, 2010
I'm not one for Hallmark verses, so consider this: I know you well enough as a professional and as a father to say that I would love for you to be my daughter's teacher next year or in the future. It would be a privilege and rockin' fun to be one of your teammates. It is criminal to think that creative, intentional and life-changing work from a person who truly cares about children and their vital learning communities can be judged by poor measurement tools combined with red-card worthy misuse of statistics and data. Your work and your place in the lives of children will always trump dead data from questionable outside sources. You are a rockstar...join our tour bus any day! (And not as a roadie....)
How Value Added Kicked Me in the Ass
In my classroom, we are currently working on narratives and the hardest part of this process for many of my students' is revision. Oh, how I wish I could be like one of my 10-year-olds and step back from a piece of writing and say, "It's great, wouldn't change a word." After umpteen revisions ... is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 9, 2010
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