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chark attack!
wesssssside of LA
Part-time hippie and fashion fiend on a bike!
Interests: hello kitty, musical theatre, autobiographies, sarcasm, vintage jewelry, dance parties, sweaters, karaoke, sea life, pork, coconut records, sing-a-longs, rock star dreams, tim burton + sofia coppola films, jesus toast, arcade basketball shootouts, sweater clips, reading corners, green thumbs
Recent Activity
chark attack! added a favorite at The Winter Webb
Apr 27, 2011
chark attack! is now following mmmeow
Apr 12, 2010
chark attack! added a favorite at picoblog
Jan 25, 2010
The Prada ones look good with your cool undertones.
I feel indifferent about the Denmark ones.
You can wear the Ray-bans now since the hipsters have moved on.
What I really liked is your Sanpaku-style filming, it went well with the topic. More videos please!
The Glasses Episode (s1e01)
I have new glasses. Lots of them. Won't you help me decide which ones to wear?
It's at the Petersen Automotive Museum - It was a functioning food stand some time ago. I say bring them back! And the pipe had smoke coming out of it too!
Pipe Smoking Bulldog Cafe
Pipe Smoking Bulldog Cafe, originally uploaded by charmiebeez. At the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles' Miracle Mile.
chark attack! is now following oof! blam! argh!
Dec 16, 2009
chark attack! is now following Michael Sippey
Dec 16, 2009
Cool video Andy! I love me some denim. If you ever go to San Francisco again visit the Levi Strauss Vault, the ultimate denim collection where they have a historian/archivist on staff or the museum -
QoTD: Denim
How many pairs of jeans do you own? How many do you wear? Fifteen. Twelve pairs here in LA and three pairs up in the Bay. And believe it or not I wear them all! One is getting a little worn which I'll need to trash or patch up soon.
Now I'm confused, cause this is in Southern California.
Walt Disney Concert Hall
Walt Disney Concert Hall, originally uploaded by charmiebeez. On my way to the MOCA and pass the giant tent where Lady Gaga performed the night prior, I walk a block and turn to my right. Snap 2 of 2.
chark attack! is now following ydnar
Dec 2, 2009
chark attack! has shared their blog Honey Katz
Dec 1, 2009
chark attack! is now following Natasha Newton
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Erin Vale
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Jane (sea of shoes)
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Ali Edwards
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Alaina
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following btrott
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Nick
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following daisy barringer
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following miyagawa
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Anil Dash
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Xris Ernest Hall
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Stef
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Nobuhiro Seki
Nov 10, 2009
chark attack! is now following Garth Webb
Nov 10, 2009
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