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Charles Nestor
Follower of Christ, Husband, Father, Friend
Interests: i am into god, the bible, music, travel, my family, drums, rays baseball, golf and apple computers
Recent Activity
Charles Nestor is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Great thoughts! I heard a quote from our dear brother Jon Courson recently that I thought was great. You can apply it to teaching and really all of ministry.
"Think outside the box but inside the Book!" - Jon Courson
Preaching Thoughts (Part 3)
It's all about the text! I love creativity and I love thinking of new ways of sharing old truths, but you have to start with the text. I'm concerned whenever I talk to a leader who tells me he's doing a series of teachings on _________, but hasn't figured out what Bible verses he's going to teac...
We are still in California after the Conference. Trey and I Boogie Board surfed at the pier in Huntington Beach. It was a nice day in So. Cal. The water was very cold though, 64 degrees. My Florida blood is not used to that. I rented a wet suit.
Have a great time in Boston and enjoy your "vacation".
It's June...Where's My Sweatshirt?'s cold!!! My Miami blood isn't built for this kind of cold anymore! Despite the arctic weather, Carey, Mia, and I spent the day at Faneuil Hall in Downtown Boston. No's 50 degrees outside. Mia got a Wally the Green Monster from Build-a-Bear. They only sell Wally's in Bost...
Well said!
Why can't we start here?
I was deeply saddened upon hearing about Dr. Falwell's passing. He's with Jesus and totally healed of whatever was once wrong in his body. For that, we can be thankful. What I am also glad about is the kind words that people are saying about him. People are talking about how he influenced them, p...
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