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Charles Nestor
Follower of Christ, Husband, Father, Friend
Interests: i am into god, the bible, music, travel, my family, drums, rays baseball, golf and apple computers
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Charles Nestor is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Bob, Great thoughts! I heard a quote from our dear brother Jon Courson recently that I thought was great. You can apply it to teaching and really all of ministry. "Think outside the box but inside the Book!" - Jon Courson
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2007 on Preaching Thoughts (Part 3) at
Bob, We are still in California after the Conference. Trey and I Boogie Board surfed at the pier in Huntington Beach. It was a nice day in So. Cal. The water was very cold though, 64 degrees. My Florida blood is not used to that. I rented a wet suit. Have a great time in Boston and enjoy your "vacation". Charles
Bob, Well said!
Toggle Commented May 16, 2007 on Why can't we start here? at