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Charlie and Wolf
Westchester County, New York
We Are Two Old Dogs
Interests: Hiking, The Couch, Chipmunks, Bacon
Recent Activity
There is an interesting piece of open space between Theo Fremd Road and the train track, and Interstate 95. You can only access it by going through a pair of tunnels if you park near the Con Ed offices. It was formed, I guess, when the highway bisected the cemetery. Maybe this is a place for a dog run? It's large and grassy and almost totally cut off from the rest of Rye. I think there's something of a pond there. If the city of Rye is looking for an alternative to dogs in the park, maybe this would work. I can't tell if the City owns the property, or if the cemetery still does.
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2011 on Harrison Wants All Dogs To Be Huskies at
Swimming in the lake at Teatown Reservation. Boardwalk over a lily-pad colony Benches at the start of the Bergman Boardwalk.... ...and a bench at the opposite end of the lake. Charlie on the lip of the dam. Sometimes it gets too dark in the forests and ravines. We went to... Continue reading
Okay: we're not all alone, but it feels like it when you can take a post-hike nap on the highway. The entrance to Halle Ravine is behind the little white fence on the left. It's easy to miss. Small footbridge over the stream in Halle Ravine, Pound Ridge. Halle is... Continue reading
The lonely cinder path under the Hutchinson River Parkway runs alongside the river. The path is also a bridle trail. Unreal boulders on the yellow trail at Saxon Woods. Saxon Woods is an urban forest that shows lots of wear and packed earth. Look out for the green pond! Go... Continue reading
The beach is one of the few places where Wolf will show up in any kind of photography. He is not really this wonky-eyed; it's the panorama camera what's done it to him. Sometimes we stick close to home. This deserted-looking beach is a little over a mile from the... Continue reading
Kiosk at the head of the trail, Clark Preserve, Pound Ridge. "IN WILDNESS IS THE PRESERVATION OF THE WORLD - THOREAU". Who? We really like mud and running water. Clark Preserve was a little on the dry side, although there was plenty of mud on the riverbanks. It looks like... Continue reading
Bridge over Beaver Dam River, St. Matthew's Glebe. Bedford, New York; Wednesday, June 2, 2010. Entering Ketchum Sanctuary. Woodland Chapel on the Blue Trail. Rustic Bridge over River. Charlie's swimming below. Soft forest floor, hemlock and cedar gorge gives an Adirondack feel to Ketchum Sanctuary and The Glebe. Feast your... Continue reading
Don't call us retrievers or, worse, hounds. We are in the working group. We are shepherds. We left our respective animal shelters -- North Shore Animal League and Elmsford -- when we felt the institution no longer had anything to offer us. We took up with Bacon Lady and the... Continue reading
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Jun 2, 2010