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Charles Robinson
Columbus, OH
Recent Activity
Liebestraume is a piano piece written by Franz Liszt. He published this piece in 1850. This piano piece is actually 3 separate piano songs that are referred to as Liebestraume No.3. Liszt was inspired to write these 3 songs from poems written by Ludwig Uhland and Ferdinand Freiligrath. The poems... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2013 at Charles Robinson's blog
If you like to teach piano or are even a piano teacher then you may be very tired of hearing the same types of music over and over again. Instead of hearing Chopsticks and Beethoven's Symphony for the ten thousandth time then you should consider challenging your students to a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2013 at Charles Robinson's blog
I have a friend who plays piano, and it is more of a hobby than a profession. He is good enough of a player to get little side gigs playing at weddings and stuff like that. He works a full time job, but he really could just quit that job... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2013 at Charles Robinson's blog
If you are looking for sheet music for your church organist then you may want to consider trying a new type of music that you do not always get to hear. While the classical church music is very pretty you might want to try a new style of music that... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2013 at Charles Robinson's blog
My life changed when I first heard the Goldberg Variations by Bach. This intricate, highly complex piece of music both baffled and attracted me. Its impossibly difficult architecture held together even though it seemed baffling to me as a beginning pianist. How did it all fit? How did the notes... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2013 at Charles Robinson's blog
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, we thought it best to celebrate the occasion by getting everyone in the mood for love! And what better way to do that than to watch a montage of some of the greatest kisses in television history? These kisses broke the "will they,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2011 at Charles Robinson's blog
Hi there. My first message. Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2011 at Charles Robinson's blog
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Feb 10, 2011