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David Chartier
Chicago, IL
Chief Media Producer for Agile Web Solutions
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1Password on the desktop is sold separately from the iPhone/iPad version. Apple's App Store is a "walled garden" in that Apple does not allow developers to see who our customers are from that store, so we cannot do things like offer license packages that cover the Mac and iPhone/iPad versions. We have not yet finalized our plans for how to handle the iPad pricing, but I think it's safe to say that customers will be pretty happy once we announce them. Stay tuned here on the blog and on Twitter for when we're ready to release these plans! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
1 reply
Since Apple does not allow third party developers to create extensions for Mobile Safari on the iPhone, iPod touch, and (presumably) the iPad, we cannot yet plug in to automatically save or fill passwords like we can for browsers on the desktop. For what it's worth, 1Password for iPad will sync with 1Password on the desktop, just like our iPhone/iPod touch versions do. To make things a little easier on yourself, you *can* create a login for a site in 1Password, use the password generator, and then just browse that site with 1Password touch's built-in browser. We do not yet have Mobile Safari features like tabbed browsing, but you can log into most sites automatically from within 1Password touch; no need to switch to Mobile Safari. I hope this helps! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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Don't worry, Sameer. We haven't finalized our pricing plans yet, but I think people will be pretty happy in general. Please keep in mind, however, that the work involved in developing and designing all the new features and UI elements of the iPad version is certainly not free. The iPad offers some new capabilities and features that we hope to harness, but it's taking our designers and developers plenty of time to work it all in. We have around 12 people on the Agile team now, all playing their parts in developing, designing, testing, building, and customer supporting, including following up with comments and questions on Twitter and here on the blog. That said, I think people will be happy with our iPad plans once they're finalized. David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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On behalf of the team Timothy, I can't thank you enough for being such a big fan! Agile Web Solutions wouldn't be the company it is today without passionate users like you, and we'll never forget that. As far as spending our resources wisely, I can assure you that we are! Chrome and iPad are two of our top priorities right now. Believe it or not, we have a lot of users (over one million now!) with a a lot of requests including wireless sync for Dropbox and MobileMe, localization for users in other countries, a better 1Password touch browser with tabs, importing from more apps for switchers, more 1PasswordAnywhere features like search... you wouldn't believe the full list! Even I don't believe the full list... We're working hard on Chrome right now, partly because it's a tough beast. Google did a lot of very different things in Chrome, and to make things more difficult, it has already enabled, disabled, pulled, rewritten, re-enabled, then re-disabled extensions at least 2-3 times already. That made it really tough for a shop like us to keep up in the beginning, because they destroyed a lot of our work. Since Google re-enabled extensions in the alpha, and now the public beta, it's a lot safer for us to continue development, and we renewed our commitment to Chrome in this blog post earlier this month: I hope you can understand, though, that the iPad is a pretty important product that we want to be ready for as well, but it isn't quite as much work. It's running an enhanced version of iPhone OS, so it isn't quite as difficult to enable 1Password touch to run on it. With 75 million iPhones and iPod touches sold to date, and so much buzz already brewing about the iPad, a ton of our users were already demanding to know what our plans were for it (just look how many comments we've received on this post). We had to tell people something! But rest assured, we're cranking away on Chrome, iPad, and plenty of other requests from our users. Stay tuned here and on Twitter (@1Password) for more news on our Chrome developments, and thanks again for being an Agile customer! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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Sounds like you may have a corrupt download. It happens every now and then when we users rush to snag new updates. Trying deleting that one and downloading again, see if that fixes the problem. Sorry about that! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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We're still working out pricing. I think we'll have a surprise or two, but I can't confirm anything yet. Stay tuned to the blog here and on Twitter @1Password! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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Thanks for the kind words and for considering 1Password at your ventures! This is quite the interesting use case that I must admit we don't see often. Right now we don't have much of a 1Password server/client feature set, though we do have some features coming that might work for you. Right now our iPhone apps only sync via WiFi to 1Password on a Mac. You can sync multiple iPhones and iPod touches with the same copy of 1Password, though we've never had someone try 52 devices. Soon we hope to introduce OTA (Over The Air) syncing via WebDAV and Dropbox. You could store your master 1Password file on your server or Dropbox, and in theory, all of your employees could sync with that one file, allowing them all to get changes when you make them. Again, we've never worked with syncing on this kind of scale, but I bet our developers would be interested in having you help test when the time comes. Contact us and maybe we can talk more once we get WebDAV and Dropbox syncing ready: Thanks again. David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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Sorry Bryan, but this is a bug in version 2.3. We're cranking out an update to submit for Apple's approval that fixes this bug and a few others. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we hope to get the update out soon! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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We're looking into this. Believe me, *everyone* wishes Apple would open up Mobile Safari just a smidge so folks can do more with it. However, I'm finding that 1Password's built-in browser works pretty well. Yea there's no tabs, but think about it: 1Password already stores a link to every website that you need to log into, right? So if you organize some into folders just like you do in Safari/Firefox, 1Password can act like a bookmark manager for most of your sites. Just tap the login, then tap its URL, and you'll be taken to the site with the form auto-filled. It's pretty convenient! It isn't perfect, but I hope this helps at least a little. David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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From what I've seen from other developers, especially Omni Group, Panelfly, and more, there is some great stuff coming. I think most developers are not going to be content to say "just use the 2x button." They're going to want to wow users just like we do! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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These are some great ideas sporobolus. I'll bring them up to our developers and designers. I wonder if a swipe-across-password gesture would be a good way to briefly show the password, then hide it again. We'll see. But thanks for the feedback! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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We have a KeepPass import, and if I remember correctly, we improved it and added a few more compatible item types in a recent 1Password update. Are you still having trouble with importing a KeepPass file? Contact support and we'll be happy to help! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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Good thoughts about the toolbar and navigation. We're certainly still feeling this design out, and it sure would help to have a real iPad on which to test. Unfortunately, Neither Steve Jobs nor Jonathan Ive will return my calls, and I just got notice of some "restraining order" that forbids me from coming within five miles of Apple's Cupertino campus. Those silly guys, always playing pranks. As far as integrating with Mobile Safari, I kind of wish we could be there too. I'm actually enjoying using 1Password as sort of a Safari substitute, though. 1Password stores a link to every website that I need to log into, right? And a while ago I made the effort to organize a lot of my 1Password Logins into folders, just like I do in Safari. So now, about half the time, instead of opening Mobile Safari, I just browse the web in 1Password and automatically login by tapping the URL in a Login. It certainly isn't perfect, but it is often more convenient than pasting into Mobile Safari. Just in case it helps! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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I'll see what we can do. I've always thought of 1Password as a bookmark organizer in and of itself though. A link to every website that I need to log into is already in 1Password, and I organize them into folders just like in Safari. Tabs is a very interesting idea though, so I'll see what our developers think. Thanks for your feedback! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
1 reply
It's good to know that the price of "AMAZING!" is about $5 or $6. Thanks for the feedback! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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You're right. Dropbox sync *would* be awesome! We're working on it, but as far as we know, they haven't opened up this API yet. It's coming, so we're watching it. Like a hawk... that knows how to use a Mac. Or something. Hopefully we can share more soon! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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You are certainly unique! I mean, in that snowflake way. Fortunately, as far as your request for syncing over the 'net (or "OTA" for Over The Air, as it's called), you are in fact not unique. Lots of folks have been asking for it, and we're working hard on it. OTA sync is kinda tough, so we're trying to get it right for everyone. Hopefully, I can share more soon. David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2010 on 1Password and iPad: Part 1 at Switchers' Blog
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Yep, looks like it was a bug from some of the additions and changes we made in this version. Sorry about that! We're working on a fix and will submit to Apple soon. David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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As a native Wisconsinite born and bred on Neil Diamond, I want to claim "blasphemy!" But as a 1Password lover and team member, I concur with you. I am torn between two worlds. Except, one of them pays my bills...
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Thanks for the feedback Frank. We wanted to be cautious with introducing tags to 1Password, because not everyone wants to use tags, or even understands how they can be useful. This is partly why we did things like put tags in their own collapsible section in the sidebar. Each time you use a new tag, a tag folder is created in that sidebar area, allowing an item to exist in multiple folders very easily. Right now, tags are best used in searches and Smart Folders. You can create a folder that looks for all sorts of criteria and includes a tag or three. We're listening intently to feedback on how users want to get more out of tags. We hope to add more features for including and excluding tags in Smart Folders in a future update. David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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It was originally 3.0.5, but we released a couple of quick bug fixes yesterday that brought us up to 3.0.7. I updated most of the post to reflect the latest version number, but I still wanted to let folks know the exact version number that the changelog link pointed to. Sorry for the confusion! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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Excellent! It's great to hear that we were able to entice you to stay. We are of course working to improve and polish our Chrome extension up to the quality of our other browser extensions. Stay tuned! :) David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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Thanks for the offer Evan! Our designer is already on the case. After all, this extension is an alpha, which means even the design is in flux. We're working on an update, but in the meantime if you want to take a shot and get in touch with support, you can find the images locally here: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Chromium/Default/Extensions/gkndfifopckmhdkohjeoljlbfnjhekfg/0.5.2/images/ Thanks! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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Sorry to hear it mac99. Have you tried any of the tips in the "Extension not installing? Here are some tips" section of this blog post? I encourage you to join us in our Chrome forum where more users and Agile staff members will be able to help. Perhaps someone else has had the same trouble, and if you can post more details about your Chromium build and what procedures you've tried, we'll be able to help you and improve the extension: Thanks! David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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Our Chrome extension should be able to use the Logins you have stored in 1Password 3. If it is not offering any of your Logins at a site that you know you have previously saved Logins for, it could be that the extension isn't able to fill that site yet. One of the alpha aspects of our Chrome extension is that it may not be ready for some complex Login forms just yet. Do you mean Logins that you have stored in another app, such as Firefox or the Mac OS X Keychain app? If so, open 1Password, make sure you have the latest version (3.0.4 as of this writing) by choosing 1Password > Check for Updates, and then go to File > Import to import Logins from a variety of other browsers and apps. I hope this helps. David Chartier Chief Media Producer, Agile Web Solutions
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