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The plucky knitter Primo Worsted is amazing. Tons of colors. Your best bet is to go through Ravelry destash to purchase it. And, if no one else recommended them, any Ellis Peters mystery is soul-satisfying.
Stockinette Stitcher
Well, hello there. How are you? We're fine here. Keeping the faith, as you do. I've been knitting like a woman who has time to knit. I don't, but I've made time, and taken time. Andy Paulson, you're the greatest. I got to sit on the sofa and ...
Why I liked this cool spring
It's hot and humid today, but we had plenty of 40s-50s in May. A little cool, but that's okay. Mostly 'cause I dislike hot weather. But also because I can wear the knitted stuff that didn't get done until April.... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2016 at Necessary Chocolate
Conference weekend! Goals! Reality...
Hi! If I'd blogged Saturday morning, as I planned, here's what I would have said: This weekend, it's my church conference. That means I'll have time to mail everything that's in my backlog. There's a December birthday gift that I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2016 at Necessary Chocolate
Watercolor dots
Sweater slowly progresses. Sadly, everything I put off in January and February is coming back with a bite. But hey, besides knitting, I discovered the Daniel Smith sampler sheets. Little sampler dots of watercolor paint, including half a sheet of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2016 at Necessary Chocolate
But it's 55 now! It was frigid for a few days, and now we have thunderstorms. And still no snow! I'm afraid that this sweater may have the opposite effect of my gazpacho; everytime I make gazpacho, the weather turns cold...
How to get sucked into a knitalong
It all started when the angry chicken blog mentioned the Mason-Dixon Knitters Stopover knitalong, Bang Out A Sweater. I don't know what it was - looking at all of the different color combinations? The idea that I could knit again, something quick and light and easy? My ever intense need of being...
Oh, I do indeed check out all of the stopovers on instagram. Many times a day. Plus, the ravelry forum. I love that there are so many sources now! Back in 1988, it was my mom, the yarn store, and my Vogue knitting textbook.
How to get sucked into a knitalong
It all started when the angry chicken blog mentioned the Mason-Dixon Knitters Stopover knitalong, Bang Out A Sweater. I don't know what it was - looking at all of the different color combinations? The idea that I could knit again, something quick and light and easy? My ever intense need of being...
Ha! I've used those semantics before. I don't do parties on Sunday, but a gathering of friends? With plenty of food? Absolutely suited to the Sabbath.
gatherings...from the gathering
A side note first. Ezra and I were recently talking about an upcoming cast party he's attending, as I was sorting just precisely how to fit it into my taxi driving duties that night. "What time is your gathering on Friday?" I asked. To which he replied with the now-familiar laughter of a t...
How to get sucked into a knitalong
It all started when the angry chicken blog mentioned the Mason-Dixon Knitters Stopover knitalong, Bang Out A Sweater. I don't know what it was - looking at all of the different color combinations? The idea that I could knit again,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2016 at Necessary Chocolate
Nope, it's not too late at all. In fact, just finished the rest of the boats this week and I should be mailing them soon. Yay!
Peaceful little prizes amidst the Christmas excitement
I'm a little over my head here, spread a little thin. It's Christmas. But just before Thanksgiving, when I was calm and at peace with my world, I happened to finish this year's prizes. IN THIS VERY SAME YEAR. Well, five of them, but still. It's still 2015. It's a little miracle! And now you ...
More felt!
Jeremy was an impulse buy. This French hen has been on the project list for a while. It's not from a kit, but it is from a really well written pattern from mmm crafts. The pattern taught a great technique... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2016 at Necessary Chocolate
Kits kits kits felt felt felt
I like a good kit at any time. But a kit in January? Where you can just knock something out without thinking about it? Joy. And if there's some nice, forgiving, wool felt involved, all the better. This is Mr.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2016 at Necessary Chocolate
Cookie dough (and January)
I really like January. February (yes, I realize that it's February) is nice, but January? It's the month where I feel no guilt for procrastinating anything. If I want to put off finishing a project, I can. If I want... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2016 at Necessary Chocolate
Peaceful little prizes amidst the Christmas excitement
I'm a little over my head here, spread a little thin. It's Christmas. But just before Thanksgiving, when I was calm and at peace with my world, I happened to finish this year's prizes. IN THIS VERY SAME YEAR. Well,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2015 at Necessary Chocolate
That's quite the list! Thank you for sharing, and for sending me the fun photos of your results.
We interrupt this year's reading program to celebrate last year's reading program
Believe it or not, this year's prizes are partially done already. So perhaps I should mention that last year's are ready to go? A year-plus-late, but hopefully worth waiting for. Your own little diorama matchbox! In lovely Read For Fun colors! And penguins! If you haven't already let me ...
Well I'm going to cut this out and put it on my fridge :). Thank you!
We interrupt this year's reading program to celebrate last year's reading program
Believe it or not, this year's prizes are partially done already. So perhaps I should mention that last year's are ready to go? A year-plus-late, but hopefully worth waiting for. Your own little diorama matchbox! In lovely Read For Fun colors! And penguins! If you haven't already let me ...
We interrupt this year's reading program to celebrate last year's reading program
Believe it or not, this year's prizes are partially done already. So perhaps I should mention that last year's are ready to go? A year-plus-late, but hopefully worth waiting for. Your own little diorama matchbox! In lovely Read For Fun... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2015 at Necessary Chocolate
I'm getting closer on these goals! Some still to do, some to report. I've savored PLENTY while reading this fall, thank you very much. But this treat provides the best story. It started with my General Conference weekend treat: an... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2015 at Necessary Chocolate
This particular discovery and obsession started on a trip to Los Angeles. My Richins cousins were kind - so kind - and invited me to join them at a beach house in Ventura. I grumbled about it being in LA... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2015 at Necessary Chocolate
I shall check those books out! Thanks for the recommendation.
I had every intention of reading Treasure Island this time. Really. It's not too late, I suppose, but a few other books count. The latest Lockwood & Co. book is filled with children wielding swords against deadly ghosts, featuring the dashing, romantic, troubled Lockwood himself and the self...
I had every intention of reading Treasure Island this time. Really. It's not too late, I suppose, but a few other books count. The latest Lockwood & Co. book is filled with children wielding swords against deadly ghosts, featuring the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2015 at Necessary Chocolate
It's not too late, Elsa. I'm still working on it!
Read for Fun 2015
It is still 2015, right? Thank you for your thoughts! Let's try doing some reading as the summer ends and fall begins. There's only a few goals, and once they're pasted on the sails the chart looks like a way-too-inspirational poster. But what the heck. I need to read fun things and to be rewar...
I heard the Radio Lab podcast on that story! Fascinating.
Read for fun: dream
The report is out. Whew. Five years of teaching the early morning church class every day, followed by two years of this project, made for quite the character growth spurt. This weekend was one of my favorite weekends of the year, my church's semiannual conference. In my house, for this weekend, ...
Ha. I cried like a baby when I read The Penderwicks in Spring! But compared to Shakespeare and Neurotribes, definitely light and happy! Neurotribes sounds fascinating.
Read for fun: dream
The report is out. Whew. Five years of teaching the early morning church class every day, followed by two years of this project, made for quite the character growth spurt. This weekend was one of my favorite weekends of the year, my church's semiannual conference. In my house, for this weekend, ...
Read for fun: dream
The report is out. Whew. Five years of teaching the early morning church class every day, followed by two years of this project, made for quite the character growth spurt. This weekend was one of my favorite weekends of the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2015 at Necessary Chocolate
It's a chant. You're lucky I didn't start singing the fight song. Or include it as background music on this post. BYU won their first football game of the season, against the Nebraska Cornhuskers, who are a lovely, gracious team.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2015 at Necessary Chocolate
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