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Cheryl Razmus
Chicagoland, USA
I am a work in progress.
Interests: anything to do with textiles, dancing with abandon when no one is looking, reading for a thrill or a new idea to ponder, traveling to find my muse and places that inspire
Recent Activity
Hey! Good beginnings! Love the picture of you cradling the rolled cloth. Your cloth which is always a story. I am not particularly religious, but the cloth and the stance remind me of a celebrant in synagogue cradling the Torah, which also is the story of a people, passed down in time. Something steady, something comforting, and definitely a story with endless interpretations.
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2020 on Building a Bigger Cloth-1 at Spirit Cloth
1 reply
Love this line drawing of the munching giraffes, Carla. I miss my group. I have not been active in the convos at Yahoo lately becuase I am busy in another class, but also because I find it awkward to try to have a current conversation there. I so wish we had a private Facebook group. Any chance that could happen? It seems so much easier to share on Facebook with the avatars that remind you who each person is and the ability to put up art and tag another person in the conversation so they know you have replied to them.
Toggle Commented May 28, 2013 on May Phone Calls MP3s at 2013 - Year of the Giraffe
As a kid there was no better place to plot and dream and feel happy than under a cloth tent. Would that I could sit under yours now!
Toggle Commented Apr 14, 2013 on How it might become at Spirit Cloth
1 reply
Love this! I have been working quietly on my sunrise/sunset series in white on "What If?" This inspires me to get it to the point of sharing.
Toggle Commented Apr 12, 2013 on the first time at Spirit Cloth
1 reply