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Cheta Morton
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And see: goes to show both my point AND what an idiot I am: you meant Alma in L.A. of course and not Brooklyn. *Bad Google ... NO BISCUIT!!!*
My Dinner at Alma
When we pulled up for dinner at Alma last night, I went to park the car in the lot next door. Meanwhile Michael sat on a bench outside, having a chat with a man who hit him up for enough to buy a bowl of chili. "I gave him ten bucks," Michael said, "and I bet he's going to enjoy his dinner more ...
Ruth - As expected loving the reviews, but I'd like to offer two respectful suggestions, both of which you may have chosen NOT to do, so here's a vote in favor: (1) I suspicion you're assuming that anyone who follows you will just KNOW that Alma is in Brooklyn and/or can find it, but why make everyone run a search and possibly get it wrong? If someone takes one look at your uni shot and thinks, "OMG gotta get me somma that ..." why not make it easy? Further, such a person is more likely to venture "Ruth sent us" in making a rapid reservation, which can only burnish your already shiny shiny reputation. (2) For the love of Yahweh either get a better camera or figure how to get in a bit of flash or light! Sometimes I THINK the food looks amazing but it's only through a cloud darkly!! Alley
My Dinner at Alma
When we pulled up for dinner at Alma last night, I went to park the car in the lot next door. Meanwhile Michael sat on a bench outside, having a chat with a man who hit him up for enough to buy a bowl of chili. "I gave him ten bucks," Michael said, "and I bet he's going to enjoy his dinner more ...
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Feb 25, 2015
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