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Ssan Francisco, CA
Recent Activity
I'm making bacon too! But I'm trying to hot smoke it in a regular oven. Can't wait to taste the results.
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2011 on Makin' Bacon at Amuse Bouche
I'm making bacon too! But I'm trying to hot smoke it in a regular oven. Can't wait to taste the results.
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2011 on Makin' Bacon at Amuse Bouche
Congrats! Well deserved.
ChezChristine is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hi Linda, Of course you can use broth using carrots, and I would add the cooked carrots in at the end only if they still have flavor and haven't given it all up to the broth. As for adding meat, I would not add it to the risotto, but instead serve the risotto as a side dish to your meat separately.
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2009 on Shrimp & Bacon Risotto at Chez Christine
Awww, thanks Michael! We just discovered your post as we were devouring some of our frozen wedding cake. We know you'll be proud.
Toggle Commented Jul 20, 2009 on Congratulations... at Michael Booth
Michael, just discovered you are on Typepad! I remember you didn't like Ispahan back then, you should've tried Celeste. And we'll have to take up the chocolate strawberry argument again soon in person! :)
Toggle Commented Jul 20, 2009 on Paris chocolate tour part II at Michael Booth
Thanks! We are so excited to have worked with you guys and are extremely happy with the results :)
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