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Tony H
New York, NY
Interests: I have no interests or hobbies whatsoever.
Recent Activity
Tony H added a favorite at Sparkwood & 21
Aug 12, 2010
Tony H added a photo at Make A Face
Feb 19, 2010
Alex: Check your email.
Bar Artisanal Cocktail Contest: A Recap
[Edit: Surname and thus drink name fixed.] Well, that was a great way to spend an afternoon. Tribeca cocktails-&-super-high-class-snack-plate joint Bar Artisanal threw a cocktail contest, and a whole mess of people sent in submissions according to a few simple parameters: you needed a cocktail...
I stand corrected. We weren't sure, so I took a guess. Which, naturally and of course as per Murphy's Law, was wrong.
So, it is fixed. Congratulations, Mr. Doyne. This month, you are surely Doyne the doyen.
Bar Artisanal Cocktail Contest: A Recap
[Edit: Surname and thus drink name fixed.] Well, that was a great way to spend an afternoon. Tribeca cocktails-&-super-high-class-snack-plate joint Bar Artisanal threw a cocktail contest, and a whole mess of people sent in submissions according to a few simple parameters: you needed a cocktail...
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