This is Melanie Nelson's Typepad Profile.
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Melanie Nelson
around and about
My name is not Inigo Montoya. Prepare to die anyway.
Interests: shopping, though, reading, eating out, i love watching old movies, going to new movies, and spending time with my family and friends. i also love to knit and sew. most of all, i love to laugh.
Recent Activity
It's not really enough, but it's a good start. :)
A funny thing happened when I was leaving Blissdom...
This was too difficult to write (facial expressions capture it much better than words) and too funny a story not to tell, so I offer you my first On Purpose vlog (not to be confused with the accidental one). p.s. I'm not really a vampire; the black under-eye circles rivaling raccoon eyes a...
You never need makeup, my friend. Your YOU shines through from the core. Every time. I think you should vlog more! But, to help with SEO, you need to put an overview with keywords or a transcript of the video on the site as well. Sorry, I can't turn off that part of my brain, and I kept thinking, "She's awesome! But search engines can't see video so the whole thing won't be found when people search for stories about Survivor!" lol I'm a nerd.
A funny thing happened when I was leaving Blissdom...
This was too difficult to write (facial expressions capture it much better than words) and too funny a story not to tell, so I offer you my first On Purpose vlog (not to be confused with the accidental one). p.s. I'm not really a vampire; the black under-eye circles rivaling raccoon eyes a...
You are so stinkin' cute.
A funny thing happened when I was leaving Blissdom...
This was too difficult to write (facial expressions capture it much better than words) and too funny a story not to tell, so I offer you my first On Purpose vlog (not to be confused with the accidental one). p.s. I'm not really a vampire; the black under-eye circles rivaling raccoon eyes a...
Robin, I'm so stinkin' proud of you! You are going to knock this out of the park and it's just the beginning. I'm so excited to cheer you on.
Secrets dangled and unbagging cats
When Angie explained the "opportunity" she had for me, I wanted to scream and knock somebody down. For a blogger, it was better than all my dream jobs combined into one. And I guess I could ultimately blame it on Amanda; it was she who "invited" me to host her birthday party when I had known ...
I would definitely choose the NYC print. My best friend and I are taking a trip to NYC in 10 days and this would be an excellent reminder of our trip. We're going to all the places on the print!
askchilihead AT gmail DOT com
A Baby Room and a giveaway too!
So you know how some people are just so creative? My friend Holly Mathis is one of those people who just gets it right. Holly is an interior designer from Texas. We share a love of beadboard. And really have you ever seen a cuter, more creative idea for toy storage? I gasped out loud when...
Cool pic's
Hi, I am thinking I should start taking pics of cool things that I see. Because I LOVE tacking pitchers! Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2010 at Crazy Girl
Robin, I also tweeted about your post. ;)
By George, I think they've got it! {Plus a killer giveaway at the end!}
It started with them blowing a swooshy feel-good breeze up my skirt: they said they "valued my ability to inspire my followers through writing" and they wanted "to tap into my creative juices" to help develop a storyline for a little boy and his magical bed. Then they slathered icing on top: ...
Robin, I stumbled your post.
By George, I think they've got it! {Plus a killer giveaway at the end!}
It started with them blowing a swooshy feel-good breeze up my skirt: they said they "valued my ability to inspire my followers through writing" and they wanted "to tap into my creative juices" to help develop a storyline for a little boy and his magical bed. Then they slathered icing on top: ...
Bed time at our house is an important part of the day. For me, it entails reading to myself. For my husband, it entails talking to the children as he tucks them in, saying prayers with them, and generally making sure the kids know he is present.
You see, once the kids were old enough to go to sleep without a bottle, my husband took over the bedtime ritual. He wanted that personal time with them. My kids are 9 and 12 now and he's still tucking them in every night. I may make the occasional appearance, but bed time is his gig.
By George, I think they've got it! {Plus a killer giveaway at the end!}
It started with them blowing a swooshy feel-good breeze up my skirt: they said they "valued my ability to inspire my followers through writing" and they wanted "to tap into my creative juices" to help develop a storyline for a little boy and his magical bed. Then they slathered icing on top: ...
I have to say that the pictures are beautiful, but they are just a smidge of the in-person beauty of that night. You owned it and I loved it.
Almost Cinderella
I don't think I could have pulled the trigger without encouragement from sweet friends. This was the third blogging conference my Princess Dress had accompanied me to, and she had yet to exit her suffocating dry cleaner's bag. It didn't make sense to bring her, not really, but I loved her.....
That's what I thought, but I'm not able to reproduce. I've changed the pixels to adjust for banner size and template, but at a certain point the nav bar just disappears. Is this CSS tip template-specific? (Again, I wouldn't think it matters since we're just moving page elements around, but better to clarify than bang my head against the wall.)
CSS Hack: Move Your TypePad Navbar Above the Banner
Yes Virginia, you can move your navbar above your banner! (What's a navbar?) Here's how: The default arrangement for your blog is Banner stacked on top of The navbar (if there is one) stacked on top of The content and sidebars The footer (if there is one) So using a test blog with Journal Blac...
Does this also work with custom banners? Or only with the default banners within the themes?
CSS Hack: Move Your TypePad Navbar Above the Banner
Yes Virginia, you can move your navbar above your banner! (What's a navbar?) Here's how: The default arrangement for your blog is Banner stacked on top of The navbar (if there is one) stacked on top of The content and sidebars The footer (if there is one) So using a test blog with Journal Blac...
You are awesome. That is all. :)
Tongue tangled
I'm sure they'll never forget the first time we met; the impression was embarrassingly memorable. Julie and James were among a group of eight couples invited to join our neighbors for a low country shrimp boil. It was a band of strangers brought together by our new friends Renee and Lee who wan...
Test Post. Please Ignore.
Google Analytics Event Tracking TypePad for Dummies Blogging Basics 101 Don't Try This at Home Rocks In My Dryer Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2009 at Bloggy Giveaways
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