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Wendy Johnson
St. Paul, Minnesota
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A video every woman I know should watch
This really is something all women need to see. Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2011 at chimponaut
11 things you will not be taught in school
This is attributed to a speech given by Bill Gates at a High School. I'm not sure whether that is the real source or not and I'm not motivated to figure that out. Rule 1 : Life is not fair... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2011 at chimponaut
Haven't posted to my blog in nearly a year....
So this seemed fitting... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2011 at chimponaut
one-time and ongoing consulting and coaching in...
one-time and ongoing consulting and coaching in traditional media, paid media, social media, website design and development Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2010 at yourmediadirector
Here's to the crazy ones
"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square hole. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2010 at chimponaut
The 'right' theology for the Book of Common Prayer
Been following a couple of conversations about the use of language in Episcopal liturgy. Mainly, someone will pose a question like, "If the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is to be rewritten, should we continue to use the word Lord... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2010 at chimponaut
A Place Where We Are Right....
A Place Where We Are Right From the place where we are right Flowers will never grow In the spring. The place where we are right Is hard and trampled Like a yard. But doubts and loves Dig up the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2010 at chimponaut
This posted on Facebook just about the time I was writing my most recent blog post. Love it. Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at chimponaut
What's the bottom line on the Jesus thing?
It seems to me that despite the passage of 2,000 years Christians are still working out what a friend of mine calls, 'the whole Jesus thing.' What's up in the air? Well, the Jesus is fully God, fully human explanation... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at chimponaut
Another female justice on the Supreme Court?
Noticed something about the list of potential nominees to replace Justice Stevens on the Supreme Court? The bulk of the top candidates are women....again. Listening to MPR rattle off the names this morning, my mind went to the place of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2010 at chimponaut
Easter bugs me
I think I have been on the receiving end of more "Happy Easters!" than ever in my life. The irony being that this year - more than most years - Easter bugs. Churchy types just get so dramatic about Easter.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at chimponaut
Things I wonder about in this Christian reformation
So, I've swallowed the pill and fully believe that Christianity is in the midst of reformation - in no small part because of the convincing arguments made in Phyllis Tickle's landmark book, The Great Emergence. Of course, one of the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2010 at chimponaut
Connect the Anglican dots
...wait, are there any dots? If this isn't a wake-up call. (map from Floating Sheep) Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2010 at chimponaut
On the advent of the meeting of the House of Bishops
The bishops of The Episcopal Church are meeting later this week with the theme of the meeting being "The Church for the 21st Century." Topics discerned to be under this umbrella are: same-gender relationships, the Anglican covenant, the emergent church... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at chimponaut
Wendy Johnson is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Wendy Johnson has shared their blog chimponaut
Mar 10, 2010
Is 'missional church' a contradiction in terms?
The Christian missional conversation, as far as I can tell, continues to put the central emphasis on the church, be it the church as an institution, the church as a congregation, or the church as an organized community. I guess... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at chimponaut
The stench of desperation is wildly unattractive
Isn't it true? In dating, even in friendship, are you truly attracted to being around someone who just has that sense of desperation about them? Sure, you may want to rescue them, but do you really invest friendship or love... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2010 at chimponaut
Are we a culturally Christian society?
Recently had a conversation that went something like this (more or less): Me: Would you say you are Christian? Them: Yes. Me: Do you go to church? Them: No. Me: Why do you say you are Christian then? Them: Because... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at chimponaut
Pluralism and the new Christianity
Been thinking about this -- a lot. Have half-thoughts and wonderings that I want to engage and tease out in conversation. So I want, want, want feedback on this. Having been involved with emergent, emergence, Anglimergent conversations throughout the years... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2010 at chimponaut
This is awesome! How did you do this?
Flip Chart Mash-Up
As promised, here is the flip chart mash-up from our time together in Washington, DC. It is best viewed in "full screen" mode. You can also zoom in for detail viewing. Download PDF Here. -- Tim Snyder (Austin) & Paul Soupiset (San Antonio) Open publication - Free publishing - More evdc
Love this. An important conversation and one whose time has come, I believe.
I grow more and more uncomfortable with the term emergent every day for the limitations, assumptions, and bias the term now has.
Something new has taken root within the institution, I believe. Something with a new focus on mission and contextualized community experiences. What to call it?
Can mainliners emerge? Too late.
[image: rachaelvoorhees] I fully admit that even trying to nail this whole "emergent" thing down is a exercise in futility and that there are as many flavors of the postmodern manifestation of the Christian church as there are folks who do not want to be labeled as such. But that does not k...
Congrats, Paul. It was great to meet you this past weekend.
St. Gregory of Nyssa has a new rector
Yesterday the vestry of St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church asked me to serve as the second rector of the parish. With great joy I accepted their invitation. What is a rector? Most people define the word as "ruler". I don't like that. I like trail guide. That analogy goes back to my childhood e...
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