This is CHinO_iS_iStAr's Typepad Profile.
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Recent Activity
#HappyBirthdayParisHilton (@ParisHilton)!!!!!!!! You are amazing, you are the best, you are a great role model, all the #LittleHiltons wish him well, you are inspiration our every day, if you are happy we are too!!! You are a person with a heart so kind!!! Paris we love you. With affection and love Albert ♥ ♥ ♥!!! LOVE YOU Paris!!! :)
So Thankful This Birthday
As my birthday gets closer and closer, I always like to look back and reflect back on the year I've had. This year has had its ups and downs like every year, but overall has been incredible. I just want to take the time to thank all of you for helping make that possible for me and let you kn...
#HappyBirthdayParisHilton (@ParisHilton)!!!!!!!!...
#HappyBirthdayParisHilton (@ParisHilton)!!!!!!!! You are amazing, you are the best, you are a great role model, all the #LittleHiltons wish him well, you are inspiration our every day, if you are happy we are too!!! You are a person with a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2012 at Paris Hilton
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Nov 4, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Nov 3, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Nov 3, 2011
Thank so much (NORTHSTAR) you are so sweet!! :D
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Thank so much!!! Love you too :D!
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CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Nov 3, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Nov 3, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Sep 2, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Sep 2, 2011
So cute! I love :) xoxo
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CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Sep 1, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Sep 1, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Aug 31, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Aug 31, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Aug 31, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Aug 31, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Aug 31, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Aug 31, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Aug 31, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a photo at Paris Hilton
Aug 31, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Aug 30, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Aug 30, 2011
CHinO_iS_iStAr added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Aug 22, 2011
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