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Girl toys were cool too...uhh...Barbie, My Little Patch Kids...ok, maybe you're right.
Chip Beck
I'm originally from Bronxville, NY - just outside of NYC. I'll be graduating from the BFADT dept after this semester and have spent the last 3 1/2 years focusing my studies on web design/databasing, physical computing, and sound design. My interest in this class was mostly in wireless technolo...
Haha, OK - They've been up for a week. I think it's time to retire these video clips. Everytime I check the blog late at night alone in my apartment these clips play automatically and freak me out. I'm starting to have nightmares.
Plush Toys Research
Stores I visited: KB Toys & Target (cheaper) I had a hard time finding a parallel product technology-wise as shown in class. Instead, I found lots of button activated toys. I bought Magical Circle of Fun CareBear - Best Friend Bear KB Toys - $14.99 The quality is bad because I used a cell phone...
Click the link below for the toy's Amazon page - It has the specs and some interesting user reviews. I couldn't find any information on Fisher-Price's site for this toy.
Research: Interactive Plush Toy 2
I found this toy online and thought it was pretty interesting. It's a plush toy that actually helps a baby fall asleep. I hope the radio waves don't cause brain damage. "The Pooh Babies Lullaby Soother is a deluxe, soft, remote control toy that will gently soothe a baby to sleep. Baby Pooh is re...
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