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HMmmmmm...see you've had a little rifle through my button collection? Hope you put them all back where you found them?! f x is now following sweet nothings
Jun 9, 2011
loving the hat....and the feet on wall didn't go unoticed either! just got back from (cream) villa in Spain...awaiting the email telling us they needed to completely repaint after our visit! fee x
Hey - I've managed to sign in as myself AND save your blog to my sidebar - some feat! lovely pictures - sounds like a great day out. Didn't realise you were so close - where in Manchester? (have extended family on 21st - just being nosey) Hope all goes well (and you make some new pals) fee x
Toggle Commented May 18, 2011 on Soggy Sunday at French Knots
1 reply
Hi Samya, I was just going to comment on Soulemama's (purple) bliss post...writing something like "makes me yearn for a daughter" adding "not that I don't love my boys" when I noticed you had written something very similar! So, I thought I'd pop over here and say hello to you too. off for a little read of your blog... fee x is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 9, 2011