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Amanda Marie
Pittsburgh, PA
Recent Activity
Thanks to one of the most incredible professors I have ever had, I stumbled upon this link. This is an article from Relevant Magazine that aims to reach Christians in their twenty’s and thirty’s. Relevant Magazine does not feature articles about how relevant the magazine is to each reader’s life,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2013 at Feel Alive
All it takes is a short bus ride to take you away from the chaos and traffic of a big city and bring you to Tivoli and Castelli Romani where the peace and tranquility of nature awaits. Yesterday was incredible. Villas, fountains, gardens, white wine and fragolini were all highlights... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2013 at Feel Alive
Easter in Rome? How lucky am I? I attended Easter Mass in Saint Peters Square, one of my favorite places in Rome. Everything about the Basilica and the Piazza fills my soul. It is a place where I go to people watch and where I go to think. It is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2013 at Feel Alive
When I returned to Rome after my 10-day break... I barely had the chance to unpack. 10 days of traveling and 3 different countries was NOT enough for me! A few days before leaving for my 10 day break.. I booked a flight to Nice! One of my friends from... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2013 at Feel Alive
Do you know that Budapest is really not one place? The area of Buda and the area of Pest make up the city of Budapest. Crazy right!? I never knew that until I came here! Love that. That is like saying that Pittsburgh is really two different towns... Pitts and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2013 at Feel Alive
I am not a hater of technology by any stretch of the imagination. Technology and the Internet gives me the ability to web chat my loved ones who are thousands of miles away. It gives me the ability to have unknown information at my fingertips. Come on, we have all... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2013 at Feel Alive
I couldn't have asked for more perfect weather today. I couldn't stop enjoying the sunshine! One great thing about Vienna is there are so many wonderful plazas and parks for you to sit and soak in your surroundings. I started my day bright and early with the Belvedere Palace. I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2013 at Feel Alive
After a 4 and 1/2 hour train ride, I arrived in Vienna. So rich in History and Art, I explored the city almost immediately after getting settled. Excited that the weather is a bit warmer than my last few days in Prague, I explored the center city and... Found a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2013 at Feel Alive
Today was my last day in Prague. Needless to say I am a bit upset that I have to leave this incredible city, however, tomorrow morning I am off to Vienna! My day was filled with some last minute things to check off of my To Do List. Climb Petrin... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2013 at Feel Alive
I cannot express to you all how incredible it is to have 10 days to do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want. Friday, March 15th began the 10-day Spring Break for the students at the Rome Campus. That means... Friday began Amanda's 10-Day Adventure. I will be... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2013 at Feel Alive
I know... it has been too long since my last post. I am terribly sorry. I just got caught up in... life. Home was great during my Holiday Break, but now I am back in full swing in Rome. I had a fantastic day today and I wanted to share... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2013 at Feel Alive
A city full of life, Barcelona is a prime example of a Modern city. With night clubs and bars closing at 9 o’clock in the morning, Barcelona just might give New York City a run for its money with the title of “The City That Never Sleeps.” Home of many... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2012 at Feel Alive
Many people use the word “home” loosely. I hate to admit it but…I am guilty of referring to a hotel room as “home.” Does home necessarily have to be a place? Is “home” the house you grew up in as a child or is it your super cool new house... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2012 at Feel Alive
From the moment I got off of a plane on Thursday morning, to the moment I got onto a plane Monday morning, 99% of the people I crossed paths with were some of the nicest people I have ever met. Being used to Western European culture, language and people, I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2012 at Feel Alive
I majored in Communications and Journalism. If you follow me enough, you will absolutely catch me using my fingers to add. Not always, but it happens… so I can’t fully deny it. Usually it depends on the level of caffeine I have consumed that day. We all have heard it... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2012 at Feel Alive
Not only is Paestum home of the most well preserved Ancient Greek Temples, it is also home to an organic buffalo mozzarella farm. These buffalo have the life! They wake up to Mozart in the morning and get massages by the afternoon. The life of a buffalo seems to be... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2012 at Feel Alive
The Island of Capri. There are absolutely no words that can possibly describe how incredible this place is. Capri is truly my favorite place in the world... at least of what I have seen so far. Since no words can possibly do this paradise justice, I must post a billion... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2012 at Feel Alive
The roads in Sorrento along the coast give you a unique photo opportunity around every bend. For those who get car sick (like me).. you are too preoccupied to even think about it! My delicious dinner on Friday night... Warning: things were more delicious than they appear. (Grilled Calamari) Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2012 at Feel Alive
After a 5 hour+ bus drive down the boot, we began the weekend hiking Mt. Vesuvius. For those of you wondering, Mt. Vesuvius is an active volcano! Crazy! It overlooks the Golf of Naples and is known for the eruption that destroyed the city of Pompeii. In the distance you... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2012 at Feel Alive
This past weekend was absolutely incredible. Southern Italy for the second weekend in a row. Can it get better than that? Nope. The entire campus had an Ancient Campania Excursion this weekend visiting Mt.Vesuvius, Pompeii, Sorrento, Capri and Paestum. The reason why I love this excursion so much? SORRENTO AND... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2012 at Feel Alive
Being Calabrese, I have been to Southern Italy many times since I have started traveling seven years ago. However, this weekend, I have experienced towns in other regions of the south that are unlike anything I have ever seen before. From a resort along the sea, to a cave hotel... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2012 at Feel Alive
One of the greatest parts of Florence is climbing the Duomo and seeing the entire city at your feet. After climbing 347 steps up the cuopola, the sky welcomes you with an incredible amount of peace. The oldest bridge in Florence, The Ponte Vecchio!! One of the highlights of my... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2012 at Feel Alive
When I find myself missing my kitty, which is every second of every day, I always end up at Largo Argentina.. aka.. the cat sanctuary. Since Largo Argentina is a giant hole in the ground with a bunch of ruins... all the stray cats in Rome hang out there on... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2012 at Feel Alive
I was once reminded not to forget about making random lefts. When you have no destination in mind.. you stumble about something great. Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2012 at Feel Alive