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High Street Chic
About Me My name is Marceline Chivero but you can call me "Marcie" the High Street Chick. Ever since I could dress myself is when my passion for fashion developed. I enjoyed dressing up partly because the women around me were my inspiration from my grandmother to my mum and her sisters. From an early age I knew as a female looking good was what made us different from men most importantly the perception you formed to the world. Dresses were very much what made my wardrobe I was never a tomboy so looking girlish has always been part of my character and over the years have grown to embrace this feminine side of myself gracefully. I am self confessed shopaholic and the love thrill it brings, the joy and excitement of purchasing a new item whether it a new dress, pair of shoes or a handbag even homeware it's addictive and the best hobby a girl could have. The days I used to have this proudly on my CV until a proffesional expert pointed out it wasn't my best unique selling point, however i beg to differ. Although have made as many bad choices as anybody else but you only ever learn from your mistakes. Over the years have grown and evolved and discovered what suits me and feel comfortable wearing gone are the days of fashion victim. I still love following trends and try to keep up every season. My love for the Great British High Street is immense and it's admirable how a good job the high street retailers do to keep up with designer brands. A big nod also goes to Designers and celebs who are creating exclusive lines with high street brands i.e. Kate Moss for Topshop and now Mango, Giles for New Look, Madonna for H&M, Lily Allen for New Look, Peneolpe Cruz for Mango and Versace for H&M which has given a big boost to the British High Street (the best in the world). Gok Wan has revived our love affair with the high street and why there is no need to fork out big cash on Designer brands. These days we can recreate celebs designer look effortlessly on a high street budget. As an aspiring Stylist my blog would mainly highlight and showcase why the High Street is as good as the designer brands. My passion for fashion has developed even further into my number one passion and a career. When I was 16 years old a career adviser at school asked me what I wanted to do for a career and list top 3 career aspirations in order of most favourite, you guessed right fashion was my number 1. In reality the 2nd choice has been my career for the last 12 years but over the years grew very unhappy and knew deep down I was doing the wrong job. 2012 seemed to be my epiphany and took this chance as my starting point to a fabulous career and full time life in fashion. Please enjoy reading my blog and follow me on the journey. I am incredible excited and looking forward to discover a whole new world of fashion. Happy Shopping!
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