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Not really "pilgrim" based... but we LOVE the story, and with us studying Ellis Island, and the Statue of Liberty... I thought it fitting to get them back on the shelf:
Balloons over Broadway : the true story of the puppeteer of Macy's Parade / written and illustrated by Melissa Sweet
Thanksgiving parade / written by Jodi Huelin (for toddlers)
Careful... It could lead you on a "wild" walk through a modern Thanksgiving Tradition!
Thank you, Elizabeth.
I am looking forward to putting a lot of the titles above on my library cue!
A Cornucopia of Thanksgiving Books
Are you living a storybook year? Our book-a-day selections for this month come from Chris Scarlett, who graciously shared this list and her notes with me (and you!). A book a day and then some from now until Thanksgiving. Thanks so much, Chris! For The Younger Set: My First Thanksgiving (board...
I suffer from this... I needed to hear this message.
Thank you, Elizabeth.
Many blessings!
The One When Titus 2 Finally Catches Me and Makes Me Look it in the Eye
The Bible study verses from Chapter 1 of The Mission of Motherhood really grabbed me and made me Pay Attention. One, in particular, forced me to confront something I've long been avoiding. Sally asks us to read Titus 2: Similarly, older women should be reverent in their behavior, not slan...
To the only person who makes me cry the good cry:
Thank you!
You say everything that this mind, my mind, cannot articulate.
It is so hard to see the strong become weak... no matter the age.
All I can say... HUG HIM! LOVE HIM!
Many blessings to you and your entire family!
The Other Man in my Life
On the occasion of my 25th wedding anniversary, I'm thinking about the other man in my life. Please join me at MomHeart this morning. I'll be back later today to smile about my husband:-).
I have moved...
Type pad has just become a headache. Sometime ago, I would type my words into this space... I would go to add pictures... POOF... It would all disappear into the "cyber" abyss. It has been very frustrating. So... I have settled down on Blogger. If you have time please see... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Nexus 7 vs. Ipad...
I have never been one to look down on anyone. I ask for kindness... but even if not I still smile (most of the time.) Yesterday, I had someone say something to me that got me thinking. I was trying to get the hang of this new nexus my husband... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
A day in the life
You wake up, the day starts. There is coffee to make... maybe, I will get a little computer time? Maybe... not... There is nothing like smiles in the morning from sleepy girls. Oh, and boys... but they do not wake up as early. I love :-) those little snuggles. I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Tea Time!
What a lovely day to sit down and enjoy tea. The table was set and the friends were there to enjoy conversation and a round of croquet. I had never been to a tea. Putting it on was an adventure. So many details. My husband was wonderful through the whole... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Last year I was offended deeply by an act of innocence. I never brought it to attention... It was not intentional. For almost a year I have dug deep to know why. Why did this affect me so deeply. I think I have uncovered the root. Sometimes, our selfishness gets... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Grinding wheat
I am on my third year of making pretzels for Lent. It is a gift I give to my friends and family... A sacrifice of my time... to benefit others. I love it. I long for it through the year. Yes, I make other breads... but there is nothing like... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Have you ever felt lost? Like you do not know which direction you are going. I feel like that most of the time. I am not sure what is going on, where this life is leading me, why I am doing what I am doing. I just continue on ...... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Hey Girl!
My nod to this site. Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
I or Me? That is the question.
Have you ever really pondered when to use I or me? I used to think "I" was always used when you were talking about yourself and another person. How selfish... How lazy... How ignorant? My favorite quote is from a very wise man. "Stupidity is also a gift from God,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Mommy, can you read this to me?
I have to say... I love when my girls come to me and ask that question. I cannot tell you how often it happens. I can tell you it is multiple times a day. It is so sweet to sit with them and read a tale. Sending them to another... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Why am I so terrible at putting a post together? Why is it I do not have enough energy to compose my thoughts and get them on a screen? Some might say that it has to do with this: I think it has to do with the health of my... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2012 at Cyrene Sunrise
Clifty Falls
I love when my entire family gets to come together and hike as a family. We took the day off... off from work... paid and around the house. It is not very often that we do that now-a-days. We generally have to many things going on to take the time... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
On the Shelf 5/31
Bamboo hats and a rice cake : a tale adapted from Japanese folklore / Tompert, Ann- I just love Ann Tompert, and with her working with Demi.... It makes this book spectacular! We will be revisiting this book in the future. One leaf rides the wind : counting in a... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
On the Shelf 5/24
Japanese celebrations : cherry blossoms, lanterns and stars! / Reynolds, Betty- Wonderful for showing lots of differnt things together. Culture, writing, language, items they use. Forget-me-not / Broad, Michael- We love this book. We "forget-me-not" at least once a year. Japan / Sexton, Colleen A.- great all around Japan fact... Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
That time of year.
It is that time of year again. Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
Sense of style?
Okay... they are my children.... They do this on their own... No help from me! Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
Sometimes we forget how large we are to others around us. It is so wonderful to have a hand to hold. Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
On the Shelf 5/19
Mary : the mother of Jesus / DePaola, Tomie- May is a beautiful month to revisit this book. The turtle and the hippopotamus / Banks, Kate- Love this book! Out-of-this-world astronomy : 50 amazing activities & projects / Rhatigan, Joe- There are some wonderful projects in this book. We will... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
On the Shelf 5/14
Click and the kids go sailing / Simon, Charnan- Great book for the aspiring sailor... and motivating the sailor of the house! Hugville / Crandall, Court- Want a hug? The way we do it in Japan / Iijima, Geneva Cobb- This was a great book. Flash, crash, rumble, and roll... Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
On the Shelf 5/10
Sophie and the Mother's Day card / Umansky, Kaye - Very cute, teaches kids how to improvise, forgive, and teach others. Corduroy's hike / Inches, Alison Rocks in his head / Hurst, Carol Otis - I LOVE this book. Another one we will have to invest in eventually... until then... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
Sometimes we are reminded of God in very strange ways.... As Charlie was up cleaning out the gutters he thought he would see why the antenna was not working. He found that the wires had come unplugged... but I am thinking it could have had something to do with the... Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
On the Shelf 5/6
For over a year now I have sent out periodical e-mails to people about great books we get from the library. ex: I know you might get tired of me sending these… So, I will not be offended if you ask me NOT to. I just find these little treasures... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2011 at Cyrene Sunrise
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