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After reading a great breastfeeding book by Dr Jack Newman, a well know Canadian Pediatrician, a new light was shed on that very topic, for me. The fact is that artificial feeding is promoted and supported by companies who (directly) benefit financially off of the use of formulas. However, nobody makes money off of breastfeeding. Therefore, there is a lot of money to advertise and promote artificially feeding.
Where do the finances come from to advertise and support breastfeeding?
Sad, but true.
There certainly needs to be more promotion of all of the bennefits of breastfeeding and downfall of not!
Great book, I highly recommend it. He sheds light on other issues around artificial feeding and formulas, also. He also has a website.
How much does breastfeeding reduce the risk of disease?
A new meta-analysis (study of studies) from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services helps answer that question. This study looked over 9,000 studies on breastfeeding from developed countries, weeded out the ones with poor methodology, and came up with an overall percentage for each o...
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Nov 30, 2010
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