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Chris Busch
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
I'm one of those guys who enjoys helping other people become successful.
Interests: hockey, writing, books, baseball, football, basketball, infomercials, hunting, fishing, thinking
Recent Activity
Over the past decade, we’ve seen significant changes in the way Americans watch television. The rise of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video has led to a decrease in traditional cable and satellite TV subscriptions. So what changes can we expect to see in the next five years? Here are some trends to keep an eye on: Connected TV: More and more Americans are ditching traditional TV services and opting for internet-connected TV devices, such as Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV. In fact, according to eMarketer, the number of connected TV users is expected to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2023 at Chris Busch
This is how ChatGPT responded to the question, "How Can Pastors Use ChatGPT for Sermon Preparation?" As a pastor, sermon preparation is an essential part of your role. It involves researching biblical texts, studying theological commentaries, and finding practical ways to apply scripture to everyday life. While these tasks are already challenging, the process can become even more daunting when you’re dealing with a creative block or a time crunch. Fortunately, there’s a new tool available that can help pastors streamline their sermon preparation process: ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence language model that can generate human-like text based... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2023 at Chris Busch
As the digital marketing landscape evolves, the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT on pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is undeniable. Over the next two years, we can expect these cutting-edge technologies to transform how we approach PPC advertising, making it more efficient and data-driven. But as with any new tool, it's essential to recognize the potential pitfalls and use AI wisely to enhance our marketing efforts. Embracing AI in PPC marketing opens up a world of possibilities, from optimizing campaigns to uncovering hidden opportunities. Here are three specific ways AI and ChatGPT can improve your PPC marketing strategy: Bid Optimization:... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2023 at Chris Busch
Q. Do I need a new antenna for ATSC 3.0 signal? A. No, all existing Digital HDTV OTA antennas are already capable of receiving ATSC 3.0 broadcasts. The number of stations you can receive will depend on various conditions like weather, your distance to the broadcast tower, and local geography. A more capable antenna might improve your reception. Q. Is an internet connection necessary for ATSC 3.0? A. Nope. Although ATSC 3.0 over-the-air (OTA) broadcasts are designed to complement content delivered via the Internet, you don't actually need an Internet connection. By simply using your antenna along with an ATSC... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2023 at Chris Busch
Q. Will ATSC 3.0 be free to air, at no cost to the viewer, and what will that do to cable and satellite? A. Yes, ATSC 3.0 broadcasts will be free-to-air, just like the current ATSC 1.0 standard. This means that you won't have to pay any subscription fees to watch over-the-air (OTA) television channels using an ATSC 3.0-compatible TV or external converter. However, keep in mind that this applies only to OTA broadcast channels, not cable or satellite channels. The introduction of ATSC 3.0 could have some interesting effects on the cable and satellite industries. With the improved picture... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2023 at Chris Busch
Hey there, TV enthusiasts! Have you heard about ATSC 3.0, the latest and greatest development in television broadcasting technology? If not, you're in for a treat. Today, we're going to talk about ATSC 3.0, what it means for you, and how it's going to revolutionize the way you watch television. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of ATSC 3.0. ATSC 3.0, or Advanced Television Systems Committee 3.0, is the newest version of TV broadcast standards that promises to take your viewing experience to a whole new level. It's been in development for quite some time, and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2023 at Chris Busch
Imagine offering your congregation members personalized sermons, tailor-made to address their unique spiritual needs based on their prayers, reflections, or even their engagement with the church's online resources. AI can analyze this input and, using a vast library of sermons, create custom messages that resonate with each individual. Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2023 at Chris Busch
Just a few years back, I found myself marveling at the magic of digital marketing, the way it seemed to have transformed the way we sell and promote products. Yet, as I sip my coffee today, I can't help but feel we're on the cusp of another revolution. It's as if the universe is whispering, "Hold my beverage, we're just getting started." Enter artificial intelligence (AI), the new game changer in digital marketing, and let me share a little story about how it will reshape the landscape over the next couple of years. Once upon a time, not long ago,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2023 at Chris Busch
In recent years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought forth a myriad of applications, from self-driving cars to AI-driven digital assistants like ChatGPT. As AI continues to progress, the realm of education is poised for a transformation that could greatly impact human thinking and reasoning. To harness the potential of AI, educators must be aware of both the benefits and potential pitfalls of using such technology, as well as convey important warnings to students about potential misuse. One significant benefit of AI, particularly ChatGPT, is its ability to provide personalized learning experiences for students. By adapting to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2023 at Chris Busch
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way video production is done, and the impact of AI on the video production industry is set to grow significantly in the next two years. One of the most significant ways that AI is already impacting video production is through automated video editing. AI-powered tools can analyze raw footage and automatically create edited videos that are more engaging and visually appealing. This enables video producers to work more efficiently and create higher-quality content in less time. AI is also making an impact in the area of post-production. With the help of AI-powered tools, video... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2023 at Chris Busch
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad field that covers the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving. There are several subfields of AI, including Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). ANI, also known as Weak AI, refers to systems that are designed to perform a specific task or solve a particular problem. For example, speech recognition software like Siri or Alexa is a form of ANI. These systems can only perform a limited range of tasks and cannot learn or adapt beyond... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2023 at Chris Busch
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses approach marketing, and the impact of AI on the marketing landscape in the USA is set to continue growing over the next three years. One of the most exciting areas where AI is making an impact is in data analysis. With the help of AI-powered tools and algorithms, marketers can quickly and accurately analyze large amounts of data, providing valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. This enables marketers to better understand their target audience and create more effective marketing strategies. AI is also helping to make marketing more personalized than... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2023 at Chris Busch
Human Sacrifice and the Digital Business Model - full article "Debates over free speech ignore the deeper problem: The tech monopolies that control social media have built their profit model on burnt offerings to the digital platform god" This is a rather profound article by Geoff Shullenberger. A couple of excerpts - "The conflicts taking place over freedom, justice, and other noble ideas are captive performances in the most technologically advanced human cockfighting enterprise ever designed—one that has converted the essence of human struggle into a sure-win bet for the tech platforms who play the house." "Social media lowers the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2020 at Chris Busch
Mom crafted a really fine cranberry sauce. Sweet but just right tart. Her Thanksgiving feasts were legend. Until a few years ago, an annual pilgrimage for her family. This is her second bedfast Thanksgiving. At 95, mom has been in hospice care at sis’s home for nearly 18 months. She’s still with us in many ways. The important ones. And yet she’s slowly leaving too. But, she’s still grateful. And so are we. Isn’t that something? Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2016 at Chris Busch
After quitting my first job at age 11, I quickly found a second one requiring a similar skill set...picking up trash. This time at a public swimming pool just a hundred yards or so south of the frozen custard stand. It didn’t pay as well, but I got to swim for free which was my main angle anyway. An older husband and wife managed the pool. He was by training a chemist, a skill that was well used managing water quality in a pool with several hundred visitors on warm Western Pennsylvania summer days. During my second summer there, 1964,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2015 at Chris Busch
I’ve had some good bosses along the way. I’ve had some who were not so talented. But, I have to admit, I never had a really bad boss. Two of the things I’ve tried to learn from the dozens of managers and leaders I’ve worked for or with over the years have been, (1) Behaviors that seemed to work well and produce good results, and (2) Behaviors that did not work so well...those that I would put on my “avoid” list. I had my first boss when I was about 11 years old. He owned a frozen custard stand near... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at Chris Busch
“Did you communicate with the vendor about this problem?” “Yes.” “How?” “I sent them an email.” “Did you get a response?” “No.” “Then the answer to my first question is no.” Email has it’s place in our world, but we should never assume that sending an email, in itself, is communicating. To have communication, the loop must be closed. Email is also not good for handling difficult situations that require confrontation or dealing with a sticky problem. For generic problems that have no emotions attached, email usually works fine. But sometimes, you just need to pick up the phone or... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2014 at Chris Busch
Today, February 22, marks the anniversary of one of the great stories in sports history. Lake Placid, New York. The 1980 Winter Olympics. The Soviet National Hockey team. Team USA. And Coach Herb Brooks. The US team consisted of 20 college players. It was a time when only amateurs could compete on US teams. The Russians, well, they were older, bigger, more talented and all around the best hockey team in the world. Yes, in the world. They had beaten the NHL All Stars 6-0 in the Challenge Cup one year earlier and had demolished Team USA 10-3 in an... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2013 at Chris Busch
Some time back I watched a TED video by Brene Brown. She was talking about raising children and how most parents are obsessed with trying to make their child’s life as easy and free from difficulty as possible. It’s almost like we think a life that goes smoothly is the optimal life. Yet, Dr. Brown points out, children are born into this world “wired for struggle.” And while being alive and staying alive may not be the same struggle it was thousands of years ago, every human is faced with almost continuous struggles throughout life. And this is normal. So... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2012 at Chris Busch
Extinction - We’ve studied about it from our early years in elementary school and we’ve observed it almost continuously throughout our lives. Growing up in the shadows of the smokestacks of the mammoth Pittsburgh steel industry, it seemed like there could be no end to the dominance of Jones & Laughlin, US Steel, Babcock and Wilcox, and their ilk. But they, and their stacks, and their smoke are seen no more along the rivers of Western Pennsylvania. 78 rpm vinyl records gave way to 45’s. Then LP’s. Then 8-tracks. Then cassettes. Then CD’s. Then mp3’s and other digital downloads. Now,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2012 at Chris Busch
According to Nielsen’s global survey of multi-screen media usage, watching video content on computers has become just as common as watching video content on television among online consumers. "While the in-home TV and computer are still the most popular devices to watch video content, usage and growth in online and mobile technologies is making a sustained impact. Three-quarters (74%) of global respondents report watching video via the Internet (on any device), up four points since 2010, and over half of global online consumers (56%) say they watch video on a mobile phone at least once a month and 28 percent... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2012 at Chris Busch
This TED talk by Brene Brown is profound, enlightening, and encouraging. Enjoy and share. Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2012 at Chris Busch
I was about 8 years old. Had a rubber baseball, a glove, and a brick wall. Pitched an entire World Series game. 9 innings. 27 outs. Just the ball, the glove, the wall, and me.
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2012 on I used to be creative at Michael Staires
Nielsen recently released their latest report on the state of social media. Here are a few of the highlights: • Social networks and blogs continue to dominate Americans’ time online, now accounting for nearly a quarter of total time spent on the Internet • At over 53 billion total minutes during May 2011, Americans spend more time on Facebook than they do on any other website • Tumblr is an emerging player in social media, nearly tripling its audience from a year ago • Nearly 40 percent of social media users access social media content from their mobile phone •... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2011 at Chris Busch
The failure rate on new infomercials is estimated at 90%. Ergo, only one in ten infomercials are commercial successes. Is this low success rate because of bad media? Poor time slots, overpriced airtime, and the like? Rarely. Almost always it’s the show. The content. And that can be anything from a product nobody wants, to a value proposition that fails to motivate, to poor scripting, lousy demonstrations, non-genuine testimonials… Somebody has a new mindle. They love it. They buy the company that makes the mindle. Every home in America, no… in the world needs this fantastic product. The marketing commences.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2011 at Chris Busch