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I remember the start of this dynamic well.
What was particularly tragic, as you hint, is that the various methods of "unreal" and disengaged fundraising reinforced each other-- so "less popular" charities could compete on the f2f/pdd merry-go-round and therefore feel financially secure enough to justify "corporate" rebranding in a way that took them away from connection with donors. In some notable instances, disability charities (I will mention no names) would brief f2f fundraising teams with a nod and a wink that it was OK to use old-fashioned language about disability on the high street and on the doorstep, while they rebranded to a "pure" beneficiary-led corporate identity in all their written communications.
As I've said to you, Mark-- the FPS pauses this process of disengagement, it doesn't end the tragedy of the commons on which it is based. I applaud your continued enthusiasm to get back to real engagement-led fundraising.
Thoughts on the roots of the fundraising crisis and what might happen next
For all the headlines, news reports and criticism of fundraising over the last year, the point that seems to have escaped attention is just how we found ourselves in so much trouble. It's all too easy to blame elements of the media for whipping up a storm that didn’t exist or pass the buck to "i...
Chris_coleridge is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 14, 2016
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