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All of the information that you are looking for is publicly available Vaughn. I am surprised you had trouble finding it. I am on vacation as well, but will be happy to provide links next week when I get to the office (If none of my fellow vSpecialists provide it first).
1 reply
Thank goodness most vendors and reps resort to FUD. If they didn't, it would be much harder to differentiate yourself as an advocate and "trusted advisor" for your customer. Every solution has it's strengths and weaknesses FOR THE CUSTOMER'S NEED. Embrace your solution's strength and be upfront about any weakness based on your customer's needs. My favorite thing to say to my customers is/was "I am not here to sell you something today, I am here to be your business partner for years." Being honest and staying above the FUD slinging will win out in the end.
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2010 on Fun with Vendor FUD, episode #2. at Virtual Geek
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Mar 31, 2010