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Completely and 100% agreed. Most of the core issues that impact on the average person's life are directly or indirectly impacted upon by the EU. IDS says that welfare reform is doomed unless we get control of large-scale immigration. By definition, being in the EU precludes such control. hence welfare reform is doomed and so is economic reform. There is a massive groundswell of support for an 'out' vote and the various lobby groups owe it to the people to unite, coordinate and get this in ministers faces.
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Those in each party who won't wake up and smell the coffee. We're in a COALITION. No. Not unless there is a joint party manifesto. No way. AV is complex - need more time to read facts and not knee-jerk. Now. Read history. When has anyone won there, and I mean for the long-haul? (Anyone remember Vietnam?) With today's military technology (drones etc) there is much could be done from remote. 7/7 wasn't committed by the Taliban, but home-grown varieties, and the ex-head of MI5 admitted to UK intervention exacerbating such situations.
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67% polled are opposed. One man - a minister - is in support. Democratic Britain? The solution - a referendum on all issues that throw up such strong public support. The alternative? Paternalistic politics that results in a pent-up anger amongst the people of this land.
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'Accept the coding'? On our area, we have been successfully over-ruling secondary care costs as a matter of routine. Facts are often useful when putting arguments forward.
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ChrisM is now following Conservative Home
Jul 9, 2010
Generalisations are almost always off the mark. My practice manager colleagues are experienced, talented and totally dedicated. For myself, I have an MBA (delivered by professors from Harvard Business School, London Business School, Cranfield et al) and am a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. General practice has its share of duffers - as I experienced in my 30+ years in the private sector - but by and large, is managed by excellent people.
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I'm a practice manager of a large practice with a demanding patient list, and wholeheartedly support this strategy. My only concern was I suspected a back-pedal on the reduction of SHAs and PCTs, but apparently not. The next step? Get moving with the implementation of the Big Society initiative, to liberate the district nurses, health visitors, midwives et al from the top-down mis-management they have been suffering under.
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That doesn't follow either way. I lived abroad for 12 years and feel they should be privatised. Those who haven't lived abroad are no more or less ignorant of this issue than those that have.
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Privatise the BBC. It's a tax on entertainment, and the argument that it sets the standard no longer holds water. Sure, commercial TV produces a lot of drivel, but so these days does the BBC. In the modern media age, the excellent parts will always find a way of being broadcast. For the rest...
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No politician could plan a coalition result. It is also interesting that despite a hugely unpopular government, the public still didn't give a Tory majority. To infer the coalition is in because we aren't far enough to the right is to ignore the fact we were in opposition for well over a decade. The public are much more pragmatic than the activists of any party, and want something that actually works. In the face of a possible loss of our AAA rating and the complete erosion of all I hold dear as a Tory, I'll go with a Tory PM and the hopeful start to the kind of future we have been hoping for for so long.
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ChrisM is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 23, 2010