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Chris Lehmann
Recent Activity
Interesting post, two thoughts... one, the love and respect you have for your father came through in *both* essays, not just this one.
And two, I do think your dad's characterization of some of the liberal positions -- specifically Boxer and the economics of a democratic administration -- suggest that he has been listening to some of those folks more than he'd perhaps even like to admit to himself. It'd be fascinating to have this kind of insight into his thoughts on the conversation, as I imagine you made him think as much as he made you.
Congrats for having the conversation... I can't imagine it was easy. And thanks for sharing it with us.
nothing is more important than family
"Nothing is more important than family." --My Mom. NOTE: This entry is extremely long. Please read it anyway. If you're short on time, at least read the beginning and end, before and after the blockquote. Thanks. I spent much of Christmas afternoon and evening at my parents' house. As dusk t...
Interesting post, two thoughts... one, the love and respect you have for your father came through in *both* essays, not just this one.
And two, I do think your dad's characterization of some of the liberal positions -- specifically Boxer and the economics of a democratic administration -- suggest that he has been listening to some of those folks more than he'd perhaps even like to admit to himself. It'd be fascinating to have this kind of insight into his thoughts on the conversation, as I imagine you made him think as much as he made you.
Congrats for having the conversation... I can't imagine it was easy. And thanks for sharing it with us.
nothing is more important than family
"Nothing is more important than family." --My Mom. NOTE: This entry is extremely long. Please read it anyway. If you're short on time, at least read the beginning and end, before and after the blockquote. Thanks. I spent much of Christmas afternoon and evening at my parents' house. As dusk t...
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