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BlackDot Creative Marketing Co.
Chicago, Illinois
Our company's goal is to make YOUR company memorable.
Interests: after building brands for companies & luxury retailers such as hartmarx corp., oilily & fitigues, i decided to make my own mark on the world with blackdot creative marketing. my goal is to create unique solutions for your project goals & to brand, design & market your company in a way that makes a statement. beleive it or not, i have done it all! let me be your web designer, brand manager, marketing campaign manager, strategist, name it! blackdot will create designs that will grab the attention of your audience - producing results., graphic designer
Recent Activity
#2 If the Haiti tragedy taught us nothing else, it's that we all have a strong sense of goodness. We long to connect with something meaningful & even possess a sense of responsibility to do so. To recognize there is a need...and to fill that need. George Clooney's a great actor but what comes to mind for most of us is his generosity. To organize the HOPE for Haiti event so quickly with so much celebrity support...amazing influence. A great company does "good" in the world....contributes, connects. Your company should have a social strategy that gets you out there in... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2010 at BlackDot Creative Marketing's Blog
So this is the 1st of my Top 10 Marketing Must-do's. (The remaining 9 will be revealed in subsequent please get my feed so you don't miss out.) #1 Branding is the most important asset a company can have. It's what your company is all about..what you stand for. It's more than your name or your logo, it's your entire identity. So to start, it would be a good idea to come up with a VALUE statement. More than a "mission" statement, a "value" statement will define your core values and will help you center all of your marketing... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2010 at BlackDot Creative Marketing's Blog
It is time! Over the last few years, we've endured a roller-coaster ride of marketing budgets. From extravagant sponsorships of flawed personalities (like a certain golf icon) to slashing even our prospecting budgets (gasp$#@!!), our businesses are now trying to play catch-up to the current state of the union! But you need to get ahead of the curve. Business leaders are beginning to understand that the first ones to promote themselves in this up-swinging economy will have the largest share of the pie. So you won't want to miss these posts. They'll give you some valuable tools to implement this... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2010 at BlackDot Creative Marketing's Blog
BlackDot Creative Marketing Co. is now following Mena Trott
Feb 9, 2010
Thank you for stopping by... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2010 at BlackDot Creative Marketing's Blog
BlackDot Creative Marketing Co. is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 19, 2010