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Christian Schiller
Recent Activity
To complement Jancis' comment, Harvard Professor Greg Mankiv has put an interesting chart on his blog plotting the relative shares of the world's major regions in total world GDP. See trends in the global wine world.
Fine wine and billionaires
Today, Forbes magazine released its latest rich list, which tracks the fortunes of the world's billionaires. According to the report, the number of "super-rich" has increased by 27% in the past year, reaching 1,011. We have previously demonstrated that fine wine prices rarely show a strong cor...
The Sauvignon Blanc Tasting was a chaos. I have participated in different, much more useful twitter wine tastings.
Is Twitter Taste Burnout Coming?
Last Thursday I participated in the Twitter #SauvBlanc tasting event. The event was a lot of fun, with hundreds of people tweeting thousands of times about the Sauvignon Blanc wines that they were drinking that night. This event had followed up the #CaliCabs event that Rick Bakas from St. Su...
Christian Schiller is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 8, 2010
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