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Case Study of Alfred Hitchcock
Case study on Alfred HitchcockAlfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13 1899 in Leytonstone, London, England, UK and died April 29 1980.He was an English filmmaker and producerHe was nickname ‘HITCH- the Master of suspense’.He married Alma Revile and had a daughter called Patricia HitchcockIn 1920, Alfred joined the film industry first by drawing the sets (due to been a skilled artist) and then later became a title designer (where he designed titles for movies). When the director of the movie ‘Always Tell your wife’ (1922) became ill, Hitchcock was asked to step in as the director for the completion of the film. Because the film industry was impressed by his work, he was told to direct the film number 13 but before it could be completed, the studio was closed down.However in 1925, he directed a movie called ‘The Pleasure Gardens’ which became popular. Nonetheless, in 1926, he made his trademark movie called ‘The Lodger’.He soon made films like the lady vanishes and Jamaica inn which made him famous in the USA where he moved to make an adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca (1940).When the film saboteur was made, the film industry began to call his movies after him e.g. Alfred Hitchcock’s psycho, Alfred Hitchcock's Family Plot, Alfred Hitchcock's Frenzy etc.Hitchcock is sometimes shown at the beginning of most of his movies. This is called a cameoAlfred Hitchcock’s CameosFamily PlotIn silhouette through the door of the Registrar ofBirths and Deaths, 41 minutes into the movie.FrenzyIn the center of a crowd, wearing a bowler hat, threeminutes into the film; he is the only one not applauding the speaker.TopazBeing pushed in a wheelchair in an airport, half an hour in.Hitchcock gets up from the chair, shakes hands with a man, and walks off to the right.Torn CurtainEarly in the film, sitting in the Hotel d’Angleterrelobby with a blond baby.MarnieEntering from the left of the hotel corridor after TippiHedren passes by, five minutes in.The BirdsLeaving the pet shop with two white terriers as TippiHedren enters.PsychoFour minutes in, through Janet Leigh’s window as she returnsto her office. He is wearing a cowboy hat.North By NorthwestMissing a bus during the opening credits.VertigoIn a gray suit walking in the street, eleven minutes in.The Wrong Man,Narrating the film’s prologue.The Man Who Knew Too MuchWatching acrobats in the Moroccan marketplace (his back to thecamera) just before the murder.The Trouble With HarryWalking past the parked limousine of an old man who is lookingat paintings, twenty minutes into the film.To Catch A ThiefTen minutes in, sitting to the left of Cary Granton a bus.Rear WindowWinding the clock in the songwriter’s apartment, a halfhour into the movie.Dial M for MurderOn the left side of the class-reunion photo,thirteen minutes into the film.I ConfessCrossing the top of a staircase after the opening credits.Strangers on A TrainBoarding a train with a double bass fiddle asFarley Granger gets off in his hometown, early in the film.Stage FrightTurning to look at Jane Wyman in her disguise asMarlene Dietrich’s maid.Under CapricornIn the town square during a parade, wearing a bluecoat and brown hat, in the first five minutes. Ten minutes later, he is one of three men on the steps of Government House.RopeHis trademark can be seen briefly on a neon sign in the view from the apartment window, approximately 55 minutes into the movie.The Paradine CaseLeaving the train and Cumberland Station,carrying a cello.NotoriousAt a big party in Claude Rains’s mansion, drinkingchampagne and then quickly departing, an hour after the film begins.SpellboundComing out of an elevator at the Empire Hotel,carrying a violin case and smoking a cigarette, 40 minutes in.LifeboatIn the “before” and “after” pictures in the newspaper ad for Reduco Obesity Slayer.Shadow of A DoubtOn the train to Santa Rosa, playing cards.SaboteurStanding in front of Cut Rate Drugs in New York as thesaboteur’s car stops, an hour in.SuspicionTWO Cameos: Mailing a letter at the village postbox about 45 minutes in. Hitch is also seen walking a horse across the screen early on at a hunt meet.Mr. and Mrs. SmithMidway through, passing Robert Montgomery in front of his building.Foreign CorrespondentEarly in the movie, after Joel McCrea leaves his hotel, wearing a coat and hat and reading a newspaper.RebeccaWalking near the phone booth in the final part of the filmjust after George Sanders makes a call.The Lady VanishesVery near the end of the movie, in VictoriaStation, wearing a black coat and smoking a cigarette.Young and InnocentOutside the courthouse, holding a camera.The 39 Steps,Tossing some litter while Robert Donat and LucieMannheim run from the theater, seven minutes into the movie.MurderWalking past the house where the murder was committed, about an hour into the movie.BlackmailBeing bothered by a small boy as he reads a book inthe subway.Easy VirtueWalking past a tennis court, carrying a walking stick.The LodgerAt a desk in a newsroom and later in the crowd watching an arrest.Hitchcock’s FilmographyThe Silent Years1925 The Pleasure Garden1927 The Mountain Eagle1927 The Lodger1927 Downhill1927 Easy Virtue1927 The Ring1928 Champagne1928 The Farmer's Wife1929 The ManxmanThe British Classics1929 Blackmail1930 Juno and the Paycock1930 Murder!1931 The Skin Game1932 Number Seventeen1932 Rich and Strange1934 The Man Who KnewToo Much1934 Waltzes From Vienna1935 The 39 Steps1936 Sabotage1936 Secret Agent1937 Young and Innocent1938 The Lady Vanishes1939 Jamaica Inn1940 Foreign CorrespondentVintage Hollywood1940 Rebecca1941 Mr. and Mrs. Smith1941 Suspicion1942 SaboteurThe War Years1943 Shadow of a Doubt1944 Lifeboat1945 SpellboundPerfecting the Art1946 Notorious1948 The Paradine Case1948 Rope1949 Under Capricorn1950 Stage FrightThe Fourth Decade1951 Strangers on a Train1953 I Confess1954 Dial "M" for Murder1954 Rear WindowThe Master of Suspense1955 To Catch a Thief1955 The Trouble with Harry1956 The Man Who KnewToo Much (remake)1956 The Wrong Man1958 Vertigo1959 North by Northwest1960 PsychoThe Grand Old Man1963 The Birds1964 Marnie1966 Torn Curtain1969 TopazComing Home1972 Frenzy1976 Family Plot Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2010 at Christina Adeloye's blog
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Oct 20, 2010
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