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I'm a consultant, writer, editor, and photographer who is inspired by nature, and loves to share Chaco Canyon with others.
Interests: Writing, photography, hiking, camping, travel, and exploring new places
Recent Activity
If you are heading to Chaco for winter solstice, here is what my dear friend and Chaco park interpretive ranger extraordinaire, GB Cornucopia, told me yesterday (Sunday Dec 19). Lunar eclipse info is at the end of this post. Continue reading
Every trip to Chaco I meet people of like mind who are intrigued by, inspired by, affected by Chaco in some way. Most come back again and again. Chaco is like that. Continue reading
Christina is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Good Bye, Larry Larry Davis -- my friend, teacher, and the one who introduced me to Chaco Canyon -- has left us. He passed away, peacefully and unexpectedly, on Sunday, December 27. So how do I say good-bye to a man who showed me so much? Continue reading
Happy Winter Solstice! This is the day when the sun appears to stands still (the literal meaning), rising and setting in the same place for several days around this date. The sun's arc is also at its lowest, giving us the least amount of light and warmth. Continue reading
This Langston Hughes poem captured my heart long ago. Hold fast to your dreams, Continue reading
I love the mystic poet Rumi; his words live across time and space, and always speak to my heart. Awake! reminds me to listen, to get up and write, when I am awakened in the early morning hours. We must be aware and open when inspiration strikes, or when it peeks through the door. Continue reading
Congrats to Chaco! Chaco Canyon is to be featured on the New Mexico quarter for the new national park quarter series. The quarters will highlight one park or site per state or territory. Continue reading
William Faulkner helps me remember why I write ... and what I need to do, which is to write, and write, and write some more. For all you writers, and hope-to-be writers, this is for you. Continue reading
I'm thrilled to let you know that the Gallo Campground at Chaco will reopen on September 17, with limited services. That is much sooner than previously expected. The ability to camp close by, rather than 20 miles away, makes a big difference. I think it's a smart move for them to reopen to campers, bringing back visitors during the beautiful fall season. Continue reading
Chaco's latest archaeological discovery has now made the news. It's a big deal. An ancient pit house was discovered in the maintenance area when they began to do the sewer upgrade work that has closed the campground. Continue reading
Patsi, How cool you got to attend the fantastic Writer's Spa - I went back in 2005 and LOVED it and Jen (Suzanne FB was there then too). Really got me started on my own writing, and got me on the road to start my Spirit of Chaco blog (and with much help from you and Denise, I might add)! I recommend it heartily!! Thanks for these great tips! :-) p.s. how do you get your post to show up in FB notes?
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Christina has shared their blog Christina Solstad - Spirit of Chaco Blog
Jul 19, 2009
Mark, Thanks for your kind comment. I'm so happy you enjoy my blog. I love Chaco, and am always happy to find others of like mind. My first winter visit was magical, with a layer of fresh snow falling on winter solstice morning, just before I drove out of Chaco. I normally visit in spring and fall, tho now I also visit at summer solstice when possible. Adding the missing people element at summer solstice is quite amazing. We are privileged to be included when the modern pueblo people partake in their own sacred ceremonies and dances. They are there honoring and repeating what their ancestors would have been doing many years prior. Thanks for your photo of the small rock spiral. Many feel the sacredness of Chaco. I also wonder who may have placed it there. My first visit was in 1994 as well (April). I was hooked right away. :-) I really enjoyed your blog and photo site. Keep up the good work. Christina
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