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The idea that a video such as this one, which very simply and eloquently presents the most important gift of mothering and nurturing a young child could be portrayed as offensive is a sad statement about how very little parenthood and motherhood is valued in the U.S.
How is Breastfeeding Related to Politics?
Did you hear about the flap in the Blogosphere when Facebook removed photos of women breastfeeding from their site and then banned one woman who continued to post them? How about the recent nationwide breast-in at Applebee's restaurants? How about when Bill Maher compared breastfeeding in pub...
From my experience with my own children and meeting different homeschooling families, there is a wide range of ways to homeschool. There are in fact many who practice child-led/unschooling, yet use elements of a curriculum too.
I don't believe that using a curriculum should automatically be viewed as "school at home".
Elizabeth Edwards on Homeschooling and Education Policy
Sunday I had the privilege of talking with Elizabeth Edwards about homeschooling and education in the U.S. I was curious if their experience homeschooling their young children, Jack and Emma Claire, had shaped their views on education and had any impact on John's education proposals. Here's what...
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