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a city full of reputation
a loner, a painter, a writer, a listener
Interests: music, television, movies, technology, photography, art, traveling
Recent Activity
Christinexpaints is now following Kristin Espinasse
May 4, 2011
So not much has changed. Life has gone on, and...
So not much has changed. Life has gone on, and people continue to wonder, who am I? I am no one, my name is Null. I do not exist in your world, at least not anymore. Please stop trying to talk to me, BRIBE me. Do not speak about me... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2011 at Thoughts Of An Aimless Girl
Wow, so I actually made the big transfer over from Hadn't really spent all that much time over there throughout the past year, but I'm still sad to see the site go. Let's see if I am able to get the hang of this place. Here's to a fresh... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2010 at Thoughts Of An Aimless Girl
Christinexpaints is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 27, 2010
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